We would like your help with a brief survey of New England emergency departments (EDs). Your response to this survey will inform ongoing efforts to improve accessibility to and quality of care across New England.

Please answer questions with estimates for the year 2018. If data are more readily available for a fiscal year (e.g., October 2017 - September 2018), please use the fiscal year data. If you are unable to quickly find the precise answer to any question, please provide your best estimate. The survey takes 10-15 minutes to complete.

Most results will be completely confidential, and most individual survey responses will not be shared with anyone. Summaries of the survey results will use aggregate responses only. The only exceptions to this are 4 questions marked at the end of the survey that will be used for nationwide research on U.S. emergency care and that will be incorporated individually into the EMNet findERnow smartphone app.

If you have any questions about the study, please contact us at 617-724-4069 or emnet@partners.org.

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