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Old Telescopes versus New

I am having trouble finding the quality of old telescopes. My question is how does a decent modern telescope that cost about a couple hundred USD compare to the top-notch telescopes in the nineteenth
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Euclid, the father of geometry

Euclid, the father of geometry Euclid, also known as "the father of geometry", was a Greek mathematician and geometer who lived in Alexandria between 325 and 265 B.C. where he founded a school of mathematical studies. Of his legacy it is possible to emphasize his famous treatise of geometry, titled "The elements", one of the most important scientific works of the whole world.
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Quásar 3C 273. Black holes, deep space

The ACS (Advanced Camera for Surveys) camera installed on the Hubble Space Telescope, has shown this image of quasar 3C 273, located about 3 billion light-years in Virgo. The coronagraph was used to block the bright light emitted from the central area, thus revealing the remarkable complexity of the galaxy in which it is housed.
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How do dark stars form?

I'm not referring to a star made of dark matter or a Newtonian dark star. I'm talking about a star powered by dark matter annihilation. I imagine it would form close to the centers of galaxies where
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