IRB #: 96144*/13325**
Project Title: Li-Fraumeni & TP53: Understanding & Progress (LiFT UP)
Principal Investigators: Dr. Judy Garber (Dana-Farber Cancer Institute), Dr. Stephen Gruber (City of Hope),& Dr. Christopher Amos (Baylor College of Medicine)

Thank you for your interest in LiFT UP. The purpose of this study is to learn how to better predict cancer risk for individuals with Li-Fraumeni syndrome and improve cancer prevention and treatment strategies for individuals with TP53 gene mutations.

Participation includes:

  • Consenting to join a research study
  • Allowing us to access your medical records
  • Providing a blood sample (and possibly, a blood draw may be done once a year)
  • Providing a saliva sample (and possibly, a saliva sample may be done once a year)
  • Allowing researchers to obtain stored tissue specimens from biopsies or surgeries
  • Completing short questionnaires periodically
  • We may ask you to consider inviting family members to enroll

Please click "Submit" if you want us to contact you to discuss this study.

*Molecular Genetic Studies in Cancer Patients and Their Relatives
**Hereditary and Other Risk Factors for Cancer (Project SEARCH)

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