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Google has funded EcoHealth’s virus research for at least 14 years

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A 2018 research paper published in the journal PLoS One reveals something important about Google’s involvement in the development of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that is alleged to have caused the covid pandemic.

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The 2018 paper, titled ‘Serologic and behavioural risk survey of workers with wildlife contact in China’, reported on a study conducted in Guangdong Province, China, which aimed to identify risky populations, occupations and behaviours that contribute to the transmission of zoonotic pathogens with pandemic potential.

It was authored by researchers from Yale University, Metabiota, EcoHealth Alliance, the Guangdong Provincial Centre for Disease Control and Prevention and the University of Washington Centre for One Health Research – one of them being Peter Daszak.

But, as Natural News wrote, check out the conflict of interest statement: “Metabiota Inc. is a commercial company that received funding from Google/Skoll.”

The Skoll Foundation was created in 1999 by Jeffrey Skoll, who made his fortune as eBay’s first full-time hire and president.

The online version of the paper doesn’t show a ‘funding’ section.  However, a copy saved on the digital document library Scribd shows the following:

It turns out that, the charity arm of Google, has been funding studies carried out by EcoHealth Alliance researchers, including Peter Daszak, for at least 14 years.  A 2010 study on bat flaviviruses lists both Daszak and EcoHealth vice president Jonathan Epstein as authors – and like the 2018 study mentioned above, this 2010 study thanks Google for funding it.

Yet another paper on henipavirus spillover that was published in 2014 shows the same authors and funding from Google, demonstrating a lengthy relationship between these entities.

Natalie Winters – who first wrote about Google funding research conducted by Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance in 2021 – posted a Twitter thread about it earlier this month to remind us.  Her thread also lists another paper published in 2015, tying Google to Daszak and EcoHealth.

Keep in mind that Google, as Winters points out, heavily censored the “lab leak” theory of covid’s origins when it first started to circulate. Perhaps Google was trying to protect itself from being implicated in the bioweapon’s development.

Featured image: Larry Page, co-founder of Google and Alphabet (Google’s parent company) board member, employee, and controlling shareholder (left).  Peter Daszak, source ‘EcoHealth Alliance president to testify publicly before Congress next month’ (right).

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23 days ago

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22 days ago

Is anyone surprised that Google is part of the plan to destroy the US and replace it with a socialist style dictatorship?

Reply to  Greeboz6
21 days ago

what i am saddened by is the fact that with literally hundreds of alternative search engines one can use, over 90 percent of the sheep world continues to use GOOGLE. try using QWANT instead as they are private, they do not monetize your movements all over the internet nor sell to other companies your interests to make money.

22 days ago

[…] Fonte: The Expose News […]

John Steeples
John Steeples
3 days ago

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