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"Grow big, not small", growth stimulants for pepper seedlings

Until recently, all the media very often slipped reports of some miracle - pills that regulate plant growth, which promised faster development of seedlings, accelerated plant growth, and an unprecedented increase in yield. Whether such stimulants actually exist needs to be understood in more detail.
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How to dry apples properly: in the sun or in the shade?

Apples in our country are widespread and loved by everyone. Almost every summer cottage has several trees of different varieties of apple trees. There are also many abandoned orchards where apple trees are already considered wild, although the fruits are very tasty. People who know the location of the gardens always reap a good harvest.
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If you find an error, please select a fragment of the text and press Ctrl + Enter. Basil is an annual herb, with a pleasant taste and aroma, widely used in ... 1Dried grapes are called raisins. Of the large number of dried fruits, raisins are perhaps the most ... 1 Apples, as edible fruits, have been known to mankind for 165 million years.
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Freesias and calla lilies

Question: why don't my plants bloom? I have freesias but for some years (even with lush foliage) they give me only 3 or 4 flowers. The same applies to the calle. Answer me thanks Flower Bulbs HIGH QUALITY for flowering SPRING (2, white Calla - Zantedeschia aethiopica) Price
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