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NHS Document confirms Staff were ordered to administer Midazolam; a drug that causes life-threatening breathing problems to alleged “COVID-19” Patients

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An official NHS document proves that NHS staff were told respiratory depressing drugs “should not be withheld due to inappropriate concerns” about using them to treat Covid-19; a respiratory disease.

Midazolam can cause serious or life-threatening breathing problems such as shallow, slowed, or temporarily stopped breathing that may lead to permanent brain injury or death, and UK regulators state that you should only receive midazolam in a hospital or doctor’s office that has the equipment that is needed to monitor your heart and lungs and to provide life-saving medical treatment quickly if your breathing slows or stops.

The drug, which is criminally used in palliative care in the United Kingdom despite not being on the WHO’s list of essential palliative care medicines, should also be used with extreme caution in elderly patients.

But despite this, Matt Hancock and the Department of Health ordered two years worth of Midazolam in March 2020 in response to the introduction of the first lockdown. A two year supply that was depleted by October of the same year.

The reason being that the elderly and vulnerable were denied treatment by the NHS; a policy that was part of a pandemic response four years in the planning, and instead put on end of life care which involved withdrawing their medication, depriving them of food and water, and pumping them full of midazolam and morphine until they died of starvation and dehydration.

Evidence suggests that the drug midazolam was used to prematurely end the lives of thousands upon thousands of people in the United Kingdom who you were told had died of Covid-19, and this can be clearly seen from the data on out of hospital prescribing for midazolam coinciding with the waves of all cause deaths and Covid-19 deaths in the UK, as well as the Amnesty and CQC reports which found the blanket use of Do Not Resuscitate orders being used in care homes without informing the residents or their families.

Serious illness in Covid-19 presents pneumonia and accompanying respiratory insufficiency. Therefore typical symptoms include breathlessness, cough, weakness and fever. We’re also told that people who suffer deteriorating respiratory failure and who do not receive intensive care, develop acute respiratory distress syndrome with severe breathlessness.

Despite this, NHS staff were told in ‘clinical guidance for symptom control for patients with Covid-19‘ that excessive doses of morphine and midazolam should be given to ease the symptoms of Covid-19.

The drug label information for Midazolam on the US National Library of Medicine clearly states that “Midazolam hydrochloride must never be used without individualization of dosage. The initial intravenous dose for sedation in adult patients may be as little as 1 mg, but should not exceed 2.5 mg in a normal healthy adult. Lower doses are necessary for older (over 60 years) or debilitated patients”

But despite this, NHS staff were told to up the dosage of Midazolam in all Covid-19 patients if they were suffering “persistent anxiety or agitation”. At no point were they instructed to individualise doses based on the age or fraility of the patient.

The warning label states that because of the “danger of hypoventilation, airway obstruction, or apnoea is greater in elderly patients and those with chronic disease states or decreased pulmonary reserve, and because the peak effect may take longer in these patients, increments should be smaller and the rate of injection slower.”

Perhaps NHS staff also knew this, but they were told within the clinical guidance provided to them that their concerns were “inappropriate”.

Confidential NHS documents clearly show that the elderly and vulnerable were to be denied treatment and put on the end of life pathway in response to a pandemic, and the evidence clearly shows this was put into practice.

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Dave Owen
Dave Owen
3 months ago
3 months ago

If someone orders me to shot someone else on the heart, am I innocent?

Reply to  SilencedAbi4
3 months ago

No you are not. I left the nursing profession after 45 years rather than harm another person. If justice is ever truly served, you are an aider and abettor.

Reply to  SilencedAbi4
2 months ago


Anne Magie
Anne Magie
3 months ago

600 USD per day. There are more and more people interested in working from home. You want a better work-life balance and would like to start your own business to increase your earning potential. mq In this article, we’ll explore a list of possible income you can make from home..
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3 months ago

[…] NHS, in its official documentation, explicitly instructed its staff not to withhold respiratory-depressing drugs, despite any […]

3 months ago

Paid murderers. Any of the above meds and dosages singularly and especially in combination is more than enough to kill someone immediately. Death by lethal injection for no crime other than being alive. Trying to get the elderly retirees and pensioners off the rolls. They did it here in the US too. Every family that had this happen to their elders should sue the government seven ways to Sunday. Avenge their untimely deaths. It didn’t have to happen, it was homicide. Class action and especially target progressive MPs, Senators and Reps.

If you are elderly, try to keep a fit immune system, stay out of care homes, guard your health. Those approaching the golden years, do the same. Younger people, you too.

3 months ago

So many of us know what happened to the sick in covid but it continues even now. It would appear that WEF are now making a law to stop anyone questioning the safety of mRNA vaccines. France has already set up laws to fine & imprison anyone who states the mRNA vaccines are harmful

3 months ago

[…] NHS Document confirms Staff were ordered to administer Midazolam; a drug that causes life-threatenin… […]

3 months ago

And let’s stop using the word “euthanasia”. The correct term is “murder”.

2 months ago

[…] THE EXPOSÉ ON FEBRUARY 18, 2024 • ( 9 COMMENTS […]

Stitchy witch
Stitchy witch
2 months ago

It’s how they murdered my husband. A fit, healthy, active 76 year old, fully compos mentis, who just happened to be asthmatic and in need of medical help. He spent only 15 hours in hospital before they rang me to say he was dead. He has no other illnesses at all and should have lived another decade at the very least. These monsters should be held accountable for the mass murder they committed, starting with Matt Hancock.

Reply to  Stitchy witch
2 months ago

So sorry for your devastating loss Stitchy witch. We hope, that some day, those responsible will be held to account.

Reply to  Stitchy witch
2 months ago

So it’s not a good age in this country to be. Any 70s, it’s a danger so. If you’re old, I’ll get on a bit You’re life is in danger, buy the nhs.

Reply to  moira
2 months ago

Not just 70’s if you are a burden on the state , i.e disabled , on going medical issues or even just claiming your pension they’ll do their best to have you put down . To them you are a burden on society , you cost them money . Thousands were murdered in care homes and hospitals. These bas####s need bringing to justice and tried by the public or families that have had their loved ones murdered , and be hanged for their crimes .

2 months ago

We know all this went on , long before it was proven , so when is Matt Hancock and co. going to be up before a court and charged with the murder of thousands upon thousands of innocent people ?

2 months ago

Sorry, too many requests for donations. Those who have donated shouldn’t have to put up with these popups every 2 seconds.

2 months ago

[…] The Rayater8 seconds ago01 mins NHS Document confirms Staff were ordered to administer Midazolam; a drug that causes life-threatenin… […]

1 month ago

[…] Oficiální dokument britské NHS dokazuje, že zaměstnancům NHS bylo řečeno, že léky tlumící dýchání „by neměly být zadržovány kvůli nevhodným obavám“ o jejich použití k léčbě Covid-19. […]