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LIMO Is Fully Charged!

On March 15, 2012, in Featured Plays, by PennyStockRumors.net

Tonight we will be looking into a company that has been around for quite some time, laying a long foundation with investors all over the world. We all know that electric cars aren’t going anywhere anytime soon, so it is always interesting to see small cap companies operating in this sector.

If you read one part of this email, make sure it is our notes on LIMO’s chart!

Our Friday alert is:

LIMO - Li-on Motors Corp.

Li-ion Motors Corp. is a technology company focusing resources and efforts on the development, manufacturing and marketing of high speed lithium-powered vehicles.

Since 2003, the company has worked diligently to develop their patented state-of-the-art Battery Management System (BMS) and has done so independently without any financial assistance from government funding, corporate sponsorships, or joint ventures.

During the Progressive Insurance Automotive X PRIZE Competition, Li-ion’s WAVE II achieved impressive results with a 191MPGe on the highway run.

Automotive manufacturing giants, like Nissan and GM, have spent tens of millions of dollars on EV innovations and will still have to fine tune their technology before making it available to the public. For other manufacturers, licensing Li-ion’s technology, will save them the millions of dollars, eliminate years of research and development, and will result in a state-of-the-art, fully functional, tested and proven prototype within four months of licensing.

LIMOD Win $2.5M From Progressive:

“The Progressive Insurance Automotive X PRIZE was a global competition that awarded $10 million to three teams that built cars that achieved at least 100 MPGe in real world driving. These cars were safe, affordable and desirable with the ultimate goal of offering more efficient vehicle choices to consumers.

Progressive Insurance was the Title Sponsor and the U.S. Department Of Energy the major supporter because they believed in incentivizing innovation through competition to reshape the automotive industry. It was truly a public/private partnership.

Li-on Motor Corp was a finalist in the competition, netting them millions of dollars to put toward their project. Here is a chart of LIMOD’s vehicle during the finals round of the competion. You can see LIMOD’s vehicle peaking around 200 MPGe!

You can see it all for yourself on LIMOD’s page on Progressive’s website: http://www.progressiveautoxprize.org/teams/li-ionmotors

Annotated Chart:

For every alert we do, we always check for the Aroon Indicator. This is our favorite technical indicator because we feel as though it gives the most comprehensive and in depth cues as to what is going on with the trading of a particular stock. However, it’s rare to see the Aroon indicator give both a non-sell and Buy signal at the same time. However, with LIMO, we have it! This is, hands down, our favorite technical positioning.

And the Aroon isn’t alone - the other indicators show momentous, first time moments full of rally potential. Additionally, the candle sticks have created a trend formation that could be ready to breakout tomorrow considering the presence of the other indicators we spelled out on the Annotated Chart below. We strongly suggest taking a look at the chart below, because this is a very unique situation that comes at the best time, since LIMO seems ready to break out of the channel anyway, and with the power of these technicals it could do it in an even stronger than anticipated manner!

We want to make this clear: The last time LIMO was in a technical position half this good, it rallied almost 300% !

It would be wise to watch LIMO for a breakout to higher levels!

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