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Selacia Article with Updates:
Predictions 2020 eBook
June 20 Post Wesak with the Masters Meditation
Cosmic Self Practicum & Course
Virtual Private Sessions

Standing Up for Justice   
-Need for the Divine Feminine-        
by Selacia
We knew going into 2020 that it would be different and mark a new beginning. There was a kind of cautious excitement in the air as we began the new decade. We had lots of signs that the status quo was crumbling and that there would be a number of reckonings addressing our world's dysfunction. Then came Covid-19, and now massive protests over racism and inequality. Both of these issues could be fundamental game-changers for our society. Continue reading for a higher view of where we are and how to stay calm when our world seems turned upside down.      
Firstly, consider the link between Covid-19 and racism. Both have a virus-type energy that stirs fear, uncertainty, and reminders of past historical experiences.  
Viruses have been a natural part of Earth's life stream. Scientists believe viruses played a key role in evolution of many species, including our own. Some viruses, when we're exposed to them, can make us sick or cause us to die. Others are asymptomatic. Because there's so much we don't yet understand about viruses and the potentially-deadly kinds like Covid-19, there's uncertainty associated with a Covid-19 pandemic.     
Racism, which we've had in a systemic way throughout history, is not natural to humans - it's a conditional adaptation. It's based on fear, control, and the ego-need to have power over others in a hierarchical and patriarchal way. These roots go so deep that they are invisible until one begins investigating the "why."   
Humans were conditioned to have racist tendencies, over thousands of years.  
In our natural state - before conditioning - we are social beings that gravitate towards building community with one another and helping each other. This is wired into our core at a DNA level. That's who we are.  
Fast Forward to Now
When we were born into this life, we didn't pack a suitcase with reminders of our previous lifetimes or those of our ancestors. Our conscious mind operated like this life was the start of our existence. 
Some of you may remember as a child having flashbacks or dreams of another time and place. However, usually that "past archive" is experienced only briefly and without tangible connection to the current life. We simply don't connect the dots, except perhaps later in life when we're doing a past life regression or DNA healing work. Then, in those instances, what comes up in our awareness is pertinent to something specific happening in our current life.   
What We Forget
In our amnesia after birth, we forget that we have had countless lifetimes on this and other worlds. If we are born female, we don't remember what it was like to be male. If we were born white, we don't remember what it was like to be black or brown. If we were born privileged enough to be fed and clothed daily - having our basic needs taken care of, we don't remember our lifetimes of poverty, starvation, oppression, racism, slavery, and other forms of bondage. If we were born into a life of subservience to others who misused power to dominate, we don't remember our lifetimes when we did the same thing.   
When I do DNA healing work for clients, we access this past history on a need-to-know basis. Depending on what issues are arising, for example, it may help to release traumas and clear prejudice by focusing on past experiences that are influencing the present. Sometimes a person says the mere sight of a protest march over racism makes his or her skin crawl. Others tell me they have a visceral response to seeing a video of a woman tearfully sharing how her 16-year-old black son died at the hands of police.  
What We Need to Remember
What we need to remember in these times is who we really are and what comes natural to us. At a core level, each of us regardless of gender has a divine feminine and a divine masculine. We have this even if we are not conscious of it. As we evolve and become whole, we balance our male and female and each is elevated out of ego and into divine expression.   
When I say "we" I mean ALL of us. That includes everyone from the policeman, the mayor, the corporate president, and the country leader.  
It includes the looter, the paid agitator, and the arsonist. All of these individuals, regardless of how they appear to us now, are playing their part in the awakening of humanity. Therefore, we must strive to transform our anger towards them into forgiveness and empathy.
What's Here - What's Coming
In the past several years as more of humanity began awakening, there's been a rise in energies associated with the divine feminine. This is all around us now, despite how chaotic and divided our world feels. Peoples' hearts are opening, and there's more listening taking place. Listening and receptivity are feminine qualities. We need more of this, but let's acknowledge the progress we've made already. Some is showing up in the protest marches described below.  
Need for the Divine Feminine
One thing that struck me during recent marches for justice was the presence of divine feminine energy. This energy, embodied by beings like Kuan Yin, is compassionate, merciful, courageous, and loving. To be sure, there was plenty of anger and grief present, yet an energy of caring also began surfacing.  
I witnessed a groundswell of this energy - not only between protestors but even from some police marching with protestors. Some police took a knee with protestors.
This happened in several cities, including my town Santa Monica. Compassion was expressed by listening and being willing to walk side-by-side with others.
Need for Solidarity  
What we need now is solidarity - a coming together of the human race to resolve issues that keep us in the dark ages and threaten our ability to have a sustainable planet. When only the privileged are free from discrimination and poverty, the majority have no real voice.  
It will take unity across the world to resolve climate and other sustainability issues. What we have right now is a top-down model - fueled by greed and ego-power. Those in power destroy what does not serve their agenda. There is no long-range view to consider 50, 100, or 1,000 years from now.  
Most of us deeply care about our planet and all life forms here. We care about each other. We care about the needless pain and suffering of others who are harmed by systemic racism and other forms of oppression. We care about this even if this never happened to us in this lifetime.  
When humanity's darkness comes to light, we naturally take notice and care about oppression we see. This has always been the case, yet now is different.
Remember that the 2020s are not "normal" times - we're in a massive unveiling of society's shadow. Some things long a part of our culture are now coming to light in an expanded way. The spotlight on them, in fact, is so bright that we cannot look away. This is a natural aspect of our world's mega transformation.  
It's not about politics. If it feels like that to you or to your friends, consider what I wrote this week on my 'Selacia, The Council of 12' page:  
"Standing up to oppression and racism is a moral and humane choice. It's not about politics. We humans all carry this scar within us, because of our shared conditioning over thousands of years. Walk gently with your brothers and sisters. Be the light to each other so we together can transform out of our darkness." 
Remedies to Stay Calm
It's understandable that there would be tensions in the air. We've been isolating for weeks, we feel uncertainty about a growing list of things, and then since the police killing of George Floyd there's been nonstop media coverage of citizen protests and examples of police brutality. And all of this during some of the most tumultuous planetary energies of our lifetimes.  
To stay calm with all of this going on is no simple matter. However we can do it, and we must do it, in order to be effective change agents for a more loving world. This is no time to sit on the sidelines and let others respond. We're in the 2020s now, and that means active engagement and staying present to both the big picture and happenstance details so we can constructively help ourselves and others.   
We hold in our hands and hearts the seeds of a more loving world. Discouraged by injustice towards minorities and angry about what we witnessed in Minneapolis? It's natural to feel sad and angry, and to desire change. Let's personally work with our anger, facing it and processing it - so it doesn't impair our judgement and get acted out in harmful ways. Let's actively use our voices for positive change. Let's reach for the love naturally within us, applying that love over the coming days to do our part in creating a more loving world. We can do this.  

I look forward to your feedback on these themes and knowing how I can serve you in an expanded way in 2020. Feel free to contact me at my website.   

Copyright by Selacia - a globally known writer, DNA intuitive healer, spiritual teacher, and the creator of The Divine Changemakers * All Rights Reserved * http://selacia.com * Feel free to share these articles with your friends and post to your blog or website as long as you include this entire copyright notice, with link back to website, and the full article text.
Below the photo - offerings:
1-Post Wesak with the Masters Meditation June 20     
2-Divine Changemakers  Your Cosmic Self & You virtual course
3-Predictions 2020 - Your Timely Guide to This Rare Year
4-Private 1-1 Virtual Sessions with Selacia via Zoom, phone, WhatsApp, Skype 
5-Staying Connected in 2020   

red heart small

Saturday June 20 * Live & Recorded
Virtual 6:30-8:30pm Los Angeles time
Post Wesak with the Masters
Virtual Global Meditation  
Selacia's annual Post Wesak with the Masters meditation.  Open to all, regardless of whether you attended this year's May 16 Wesak with experiences in the Wesak Valley.  Note:  Wesak 2020 is still available to experience via MP3 @ Wesak MP3 
At Post Wesak, each participant will have experiences with one of the Masters. The process includes individually-tailored quantum healing, life guidance, and energies accelerating spiritual progress.  
Also, abundant Wesak blessings associated with this year's Wesak Season will be anchored within participants to assist each person throughout the year ahead. These energies provide support in making life changes and in manifesting one's soul purpose.
Examples of Masters associated with Wesak: Buddha, Kuan Yin, Christ, Lady Nada, Saint Germain.   
Kuan Yin
Kuan Yin Goddess of Compassion
Post Wesak occurs on June 20-21 weekend of powerful energies:
New Moon
Cancer Solar Eclipse  
These energies combined create an auspicious gateway for facilitating mega changes within individuals and for humanity at large.
As part of Post Wesak, we will have a healing for the Earth and all life forms. During this process, our  collective group healing energy will go to all corners of the planet, assisting with healing and awakening.  
This is our annual Post Wesak meditation, not to be missed!  
Attend live or with MP3 for an unforgettable experience with Selacia and The Council of 12 as they connect you with Wesak blessings and the Masters!
Wesak season is a period of time before and after Wesak when the veils between dimensions are thinner and it becomes easier to access the Masters. During this time each year, humanity is showered with vast blessings from the Masters. In 2020 Wesak season begins in April and goes through the weekend of June 20, date of Selacia's Post Wesak with the Masters.
Mila Repa Wesak
Mila Repa Tibetan Yogi
(optional for registrants): if you have a favorite crystal you want to energetically include in our meditation (live or MP3), designate it in advance of guided process. Not necessary to hold the crystal, but you can if desired.   A quantum grid of healing will be created with the crystals, as part of the planetary healing.   
crystals wesak
Wesak Tibetan Crystals
Essential oils (optional for registrants): if you resonate with essential oils, it's recommended that you apply or diffuse therapeutic grade oils. These will raise your frequency and help you experience the healing energies on a deep level. Suggestions for this meditation: Sacred Mountain blend, Frankincense.  
All registrants receive MP3.     
More info below the photo about Predictions 2020 and other offerings.  
Buddha Wesak
Selacia's "Predictions 2020" eBook 
Your Guide to this Rare Year of Upheaval & Change
We sit in a flashpoint of history, events taking place that have been building for centuries. To better understand our world today and the long history that led to what's unfolding in 2020 - please read my new book and share with your friends!  
One reader's comments:
"Selacia is spot-on with her assessments of current situations, historical precedents, and how the future can go. Amidst the current rise of doom-and-gloom, she offers a clear-headed view of how we got here and where we can go from here.
This book is a wake-up call to humanity - an overview of history, deep history, and cosmic history; explanations for why some of what is happening is happening using sociology-politics, group psychology, systems theory, the nature of cycles, and astrology both personal and big-picture.
It includes useful suggestions on how we can approach, handle, and take advantage of what's going on in order to help make personal, societal, systemic, global, and yes even cosmic changes of a positive nature.
There's important multi-perspective wisdom for people in all generations to understand and apply. Patience, fortitude, and peace do seem quite possible outcomes of that knowledge.
You'll learn a lot and be inspired!"
Pamela Jaye Smith
MYTHWORKS - Applied Mythology
Get your copy of my book @ Predictions 2020 .  
Already read the book? Send Selacia comments HERE.  
Any issues with orders or reviews, please contact amazon kindle HERE 
2020 ebook launch
Selacia's Divine Changemakers Courses
July Practicum - Your Cosmic Self & You
Open to all who participated in the course or register for it now.
Focus: receive energetic support and guided process with tools from the Cosmic Self course, assisting you with current-life situations and adapting to the massive amounts of change unfolding in 2020.  
During a live global group call with Selacia and The Council of 12, you are joined by other participants from around the world. Participants typically have significant breakthroughs and feel resourced to confidently take their next steps. Processes are healing, inspiring, and a source of comfort during chaos. Connecting with other divine changemakers across the world is a significant source of support as well. The Practicum MP3 can be worked with over time to help you address new issues as they arise.    
A big thank you to those already registered to be with us.      
Your Cosmic Self course - July 2020 Practicum:
divine changemakers banner
"Your Cosmic Self & You "  - Virtual Course 
This virtual course will help you understand your place in today's society and the cosmos. In particular during 2020, this course can be your lifeline to finding meaning, stability, and a deeper connection to spirit.
In this course, The Council of 12 and I will guide you, helping you grasp:  your larger self that is eternal and cosmic, your purpose here now, how to navigate your relationships, and how to be a pivotal leader in our world's massive shift to love.  
With this energetic support and priceless practical tools for self-evolution, you will begin to see yourself as the divine being you truly are - AND to step into a way of being reflecting of this larger self.
Register now to begin working with the practical life-changing tools in this course - at the same time having the prerequisite for the July 2020 course Practicum - when you can participate with others across the world taking the Practicum at the same time as you.  
Other Offerings by Selacia
Private Virtual Sessions 
with Selacia via Zoom, Phone, WhatsApp, Skype   
In private virtual sessions with Selacia, you will benefit from a deeper kind of work that fully supports you as you navigate the uncertainty and unknowns of 2020. This work is a process over time, allowing you to become more comfortable with yourself and grow your bond with spirit so that it's unbreakable and solid.  
Private sessions give you a safe space to talk about your concerns and your personal issues coming up now. They help you to validate what you know to be true. They support your life revamping and new actions you will need to take to facilitate a new life structure more suited to the quantum being you truly are.   
In these sessions, you can explore and heal past ancestral patterns involving racism, oppression, and abuses of power. All of us have these in our DNA, and clearing them from our DNA helps us personally - plus our ancestors and all of humanity.     
DNA and stars
Selacia's Books
earths pivotal years
Visit the Website STORE for Healing Tools   
Contact Selacia for More Info on Essential Oils
Ask about therapeutic grade oils to support your immune system, elevate your mood, enhance your meditations, clean your home or office naturally, and raise your frequency.     
Attend Monthly Virtual Global Meditations 
June 20 Annual Post Wesak Celebration with the Masters
July 11 Eclipse Season Balancing
August 1 Full Moon  
September Equinox Gateway  
October 10 Spiritual Heart Activation
November 14 New Moon
December 12 New Moon Solar Eclipse Gateway (ahead of the December 21 Solstice and mega Jupiter-Saturn conjunction occurring about every 20 years)  
Follow Selacia on social media:
Instagram - Selaciaofficial
Facebook -   Selacia, The Council of 12 * Tools to Heal * Selacia
Twitter -      Selacia   
LinkedIn -    Selacia  
Received this from a friend? Join Selacia's list HERE  to be sure you don't miss any articles and announcements. 
Selacia MJB events  
See what's happening on our social sites
Selacia, (424) 231-5122, Communication for Transformation, 171 Pier Avenue #284, Santa Monica, CA 90405