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Māori Government prosecutes four high-ranking New Zealand officials for committing crimes in response to the covid pandemic

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The Māori Government has sentenced Christopher Hipkins, Andrew Little, Ashley Bloomfield and Christopher James to 10 years in prison for committing crimes in response to the covid pandemic.  The court also sentenced 118 Members of Parliament to prison for supporting and facilitating the four criminals’ actions.

After hearing all the evidence, the Māori Government issued a statement prohibiting the importation, sale and use of the mRNA BioNTech medical technology and all derivatives in New Zealand.

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What is the Wakaminenga Maori Government?

The Wakaminenga Māori Government (“WMG”) operate under “Native Māori Jurisdiction.” It is the first nation jurisdiction of New Zealand. It is recognised in pre and post-treaty British imperial law.

The first collective form of Māori Government was Te Wakaminenga at Te Ngaere in 1805, Muriwhenua (transl. Northland). Te Wakaminenga is translated into English texts as the Chiefs of the Confederation of the United Tribes of New Zealand.

Since 28 October 1835, the WMG has been recognised under international law as the lawful government of Aotearoa Nu Tireni (transl. New Zealand).

He Whakaputanga o te Rangatiratanga o Nu Tireni (transl. the Declaration of Independence of the United Tribes of New Zealand) was signed by a large group of northern chiefs on 28 October 1835.  With this Declaration the British recognised New Zealand as a sovereign state.

The declaration set up a congress “for the purpose of framing laws for the dispensation of justice, the preservation of peace and good order, and the regulation of trade.”

As an article in the Otago Daily Times explained, the main parts of the document declare that New Zealand is an independent nation, that all sovereign power resides collectively with the chiefs, that no government can exist unless appointed by them, and that they request that the then British King, William IV, would be a protector from “all attempts upon its independence.”

This the British colonial office agreed to do, so long as Māori protected British citizens living in New Zealand. As such article 4 of the Declaration states that all those coming to Nū Tīreni (New Zealand) shores to settle, and trade would be protected, including their property rights, human rights and freedom of choice.

The Declaration was originally signed at Waitangi by a group of 34 chiefs, with 52 chiefs from the top half of the North Island eventually signing by 1839.

In the eyes of the British colonial office, the Declaration recognised New Zealand as a sovereign and independent country. It is why when the British made up their mind to annex New Zealand in 1840 and claim sovereignty by right of treaty, they first had to go to Waitangi and convince the signatories of the Declaration to sign up.

Today the Te Tiriti o Waitangi (or the Treaty of Waitangi) is widely accepted as a constitutional document that establishes and guides the relationship between the Crown in New Zealand, embodied by the New Zealand government, and Māori.

Cease and Desist

The WMG has been in recess but, its website states, has “recently re-emerged out of necessity, to provide shelter in the form of the native Māori jurisdiction … pressures surround people of the land, due to the implementation of specific plans originating from the Crown and beyond, spanning the entire globe.”

Early last year, the WMG issued a video statement that it was now in full effect as the operational and true government of New Zealand for all the people, Māori and non-Māori.

“We instruct the forces engaged in the unlawful assault upon the lives persons property and freedom of all people Māori and non-Māori to cease and desist with immediate effect their illegitimate actions to all agents actors and members of a corporate entity operating under the name New Zealand government and the Crown Corporation we instruct you to stop the intentional harm of all people and to meet with them to hear their requests.”

MNZGA57: Official Statement Wakaminenga Maori Govt Aotearoa Nu Tireni NZ (audio only), 28 February 2022 (4 mins)

Four Officials Convicted of Covid Crimes

On 17 June 2023, a dedicated team of men and women opened the first sovereign independent Grand Jury Court of Justice.

The first case was brought by the members of the WMG on behalf of all the people of New Zealand. The trial dealt with alleged breaches of the sovereign law of He Wakaputanga, the 1835 Declaration, and crimes of genocide and against humanity.

On 11 August 2023, four high-ranking New Zealand government officials were summoned to appear before the Court to have the charges against them confirmed. The four accused were former Prime Minister Christopher Hipkins, former Minister for the Public Service Andrew Little, former Director-General of Health Ashley Bloomfield and Medsafe Group Manager Christopher James.

On 27 August 2023, the Court convened. As no response from any of the accused was received, the decision was made to try them in their absence.  The jury delivered decisions of ‘proven’ against multiple charges for each. They were found guilty of breaches of the Declaration of Independence of the United Tribes of New Zealand and committing crimes in their response to the covid-19 pandemic during the period from 2020 to 2023.  The matter was passed to the Hou Hunga Rongo/Council for Restorative Justice.

On 15 September 2023, the convicted criminals were ordered to attend a hearing on 24 September 2023. All failed to acknowledge the summons, so the hearing went ahead in their absence.

On 24 September 2023, sentencing was handed down.

Hipkins, Little and Bloomfield were sentenced to 10 years in prison, liquidation of all their assets, banned from holding office in the future, banned from leaving New Zealand and to be further investigated for crimes against humanity.

James was sentenced to 5 years in prison, liquidation of all his assets, banned from holding office in the future, banned from leaving New Zealand and to be further investigated for crimes against humanity.

In September, WMG also held a Tribunal during which 118 Members of Parliament were accused and found guilty of supporting and facilitating the actions of the four convicted criminals above.  All 118 were sentenced to between 3 and 10 years in prison, financial penalties, banned from holding office in the future, banned from leaving New Zealand and to be further investigated for crimes against humanity.

Following the evidence heard during the trial of the four criminals and the tribunal of 118 Members of Parliament, on 17 October 2023, WMG issued a statement prohibiting the importation, sale and use of the mRNA BioNTech medical technology and all derivatives.

You can read the Trial Summary, the Tribunal Summary and the Prohibition Order HERE.

Below are excerpts from WMG’s trial proceedings for covid-19 crimes.

Wakaminenga Māori Government: New Zealand Defacto Government MPs and Officials Convicted for Covid 19 Crimes, 21 October 2023 (75 mins)
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raj patel
raj patel
7 months ago

Is this similar to the Reiner Fuellmich‘s grand jury trial into crimes against humanity? It’s good that people are organising to push back and there will be a time when the sentences can be enforced.

7 months ago

so the legit gov of new zealand has handed out prison sentances to the mps n former pm and none of them have bothered to turn up or comply,.. does this new zealnad gov have any actual power to weild?

Reply to  korg
7 months ago

New Zealand, or should i say the Maori, have its own sovereign court system outside of the corrupt for profit judiciary.

Reply to  john
7 months ago

Actually, its just as corrupt as the ‘formal’ system

Reply to  korg
7 months ago

It’s lies.

The Master
The Master
Reply to  korg
7 months ago

Neither are legit?

Douglas F. Jack
Douglas F. Jack
Reply to  korg
7 months ago

korg, RE: “Power”. Maori government with specific population affiliation & control over certain territories, resources & economies, is an essential factor for the well being of those who-have-come-from-away.The million or so Maori represent many 10s of billion dollars in  Nū Tīreni & surrounding island region. In the ‘indigenous’ (Latin ‘self-generating’) tradition’, this declaration & restorative justice model is an invitation for all of us to join wherever we are in restoring humane relations with each other & the biosphere. Make your choice between the moribund Oligarch owned perpetual destruction in extractive, exploitation we are now ruled by & a kind loving caring & sharing society we all once had & can have again in love & abundance.
Really all people have this power when we unite together as Maori traditionally do & did in the once Circular-Economy of the Multihome-Dwelling-Complex specifically.
All humanity once practiced these same sophisticated caring & sharing traditions. Maori & many ‘indigenous’ (Latin ‘self-generating’) peoples worldwide are restoring indigenous cultural fractal governance, modelling the way forward for all of us everywhere we live on earth. This Economic Democracy model, once thrived for many 10s of 1000s of years with loving humane relations & biosphere abundance for all for all humanity in all our indigenous nations on all continents..
ECONOMIC DEMOCRACY in the ~100 (50-150) person Multihome-Dwelling-Complex (eg. Longhouse-apartment, Pueblo-townhouse & Kanata-village), specialized Production-Society-Guilds & time-based equivalency-accounting on the String-shell Value System (eg. Wampum on Turtle-Island, Quipu in S. America & Cowrie in indigenous Celtic-Slavic Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia & all islands.

Barbara McKenzie
Barbara McKenzie
Reply to  korg
7 months ago

Most New Zealanders have never heard of this “government”. It’s just a scam.

Reply to  Barbara McKenzie
7 months ago

Your a scam barbara Mckenzie because your a person contracted to the New Zealand government. You believe in them taking their names. This has always been your government.

Reply to  Barbara McKenzie
6 months ago

Just because you haven’t heard of it does not make it a scam. People do not know because it is not on their television box. Educate yourselves, people. Get away from the indoctrrination box and do some research.

Reply to  korg
7 months ago

Probably not. But hopefully, the NZ “trial” is just the beginning of “holding those who committed intentional and atrocious murders and injuries by lethal injection to trusting people”… must be held accountable! I support and admire NZ for following its instincts and demand for justice!

7 months ago

I think it has set a precedent so that the rest of the world can use

Barbara McKenzie
Barbara McKenzie
Reply to  kath
7 months ago

Has to be a legitimate government or authority to be any use …

pauline bee
pauline bee
7 months ago

So what about Jacinda as she started all this!!!LIES AND TREASON!!!!

Reply to  pauline bee
7 months ago

She’s no longer in New Zealand. It’s possible that the Māori court can only try people who are actually there.

Mark Deacon
Mark Deacon
Reply to  Kay
7 months ago

Israel is good at kidnapping war criminals like Eichmann and tried in Israel. Nothing to stop the same process.

Reply to  Kay
7 months ago

(s)he needs be extradited from the US to NZ.

Jeff A
Jeff A
Reply to  Kay
7 months ago

Arderne can be tried in absentia, and arrested if she steps foot in NZ again

The Master
The Master
Reply to  pauline bee
7 months ago

Exactly, why is she not named first? She is the ring leader, the face etc for the intentional fraud upon all NZ..

Marie Boundy
Marie Boundy
Reply to  pauline bee
7 months ago

The real Jacinta is already gone! Permanently

Reply to  pauline bee
6 months ago

Her trial starts shortly. Check out Yes they are legit.

7 months ago

Is this a de-facto court? Do they have powers to actually enforce the sentencing? or is this just like Reiner Fuellmich’s grand jury which hasn’t had any impact whatsoever (as sad as I was to read it)?

Reply to  Ste
7 months ago

Reiner’s work for almost two years beginning in 2020 onward, especially post rollout of the EUA injections, was in Germany and was investigative in nature. He progressed quickly, I thought, in understanding the depravity of the crimes and the hundreds of testimonies he and his team conducted and shared with the global community. They highlighted many participants globally that conspired together or were participants in these crimes against humanity and in the democide. Reiner spent many months looking for an independent judiciary and had honed in on the Wakaminenga Māori Government. He had returned to the US for a time I believe to carry on his work but was targeted by the German government, his bank accounts seized and there were problems with he and his wife when traveling from a retreat they’d attended I believe in Peru with their visas and he and his wife were residing in Mexico for a time. He was recently arrested at the German consulate in Tijuana during an appointment for a passport or visa renewal and extradited to Germany to answer to some allegation of embezzlement. I am very worried for him and we pray for his safety.

Reply to  Devi
7 months ago

Sorry Friend, but Reiner Fuellmich is a con man. He has no authority he purported to have. He is not a trained investigator. He is a very junior and very in adequate solicitor if he even does hold any legal qualifications at all in either of the jurisdictions he purports to work in. He was quickly discredited when he first started telling people many untruths about 4 ish years ago. He is a fraud people. His purported ‘Opening Statement’ to a non existent jury where he couldn’t even differentiate in the most basic issues of law would have been laughed out of any actual courtroom. Sorry folks, we all want to hear good news but that fellow is a fake. I say this knowing a lot of people will be very angry and disappointed. I am a multi decade experienced criminal investigator and multi decade experienced senior lawyer. Our best hope is Military Tribunals as this is at the serious end of criminality and the National Security of many Sovereign Nations has been put at risk. Geneva Convention jurisdiction under the Law of War (USA) and Law of Armed Conflict (AU) is triggered and should be operative.

Marie Boundy
Marie Boundy
Reply to  jonsey
7 months ago

You’re wrong about Reiner. He is an experienced international lawyer. He’s won case on various class actions. He might be under protection as he’s really challenging heaps of criminals involved in Covid 19 and the poisonous jabs pushed on people. We need to be patient as I know the white hats military is behind the cleaning up of these scam bags.

Reply to  Marie Boundy
7 months ago

Could you please state one case where “he won” a class action and please give some hard evidence where one can see that Fuellmich was a leading figure in at least one of these cases. Thank you very muchè

Reply to  maddin
7 months ago

HINT – look up VW and Deutsche Bank. Other than those hints, why don’t you do your own research, or don’t you have the brain capacity?

Reply to  jonsey
7 months ago

You’re the “conman” and “fraud”, not Reiner! You must be a paid shill to discredit the truth and those who expose it! Your a “criminal investigator”? Sounds pretty fake and low life to me. Discrediting those who expose facts must be your true profession. Who pays your salary?

Reply to  jonsey
4 months ago

The military is every bit as corrupt as the government. How else do you think the corruption got this far?

The Master
The Master
Reply to  Ste
7 months ago

They have given themselves the authorisation to do what they want. If they did form something, united tribes or whatever, that was all handed over to the Queen of England at that time, irrevocably. If they did not do anything, have anything pre-1840, then the majority of chiefs signed the treaty in 1840, whatever way you go it is merely a “show-pony” thing, you know photo, name in lights stuff. That is all.

Of course, the current “mob” in Wellington, like all before have a no better position either.

Reply to  The Master
6 months ago

The critical declaration exists in two language versions, Maori and English.
The version in Maori is the relevant one.
The English version was deceptively mistranslated by the English ambassador at that time, to create a document to which the UK government would agree, while the Maori government was still happy with their version.
The difference of the versions regards who is keeping the sovereignty.

Now each side is insisting on the validity of their version,
but the UK government can only use deception and/or violence against a simple truth.

Barbara McKenzie
Barbara McKenzie
Reply to  Ste
7 months ago

Nope, has no authority whatsoever. You’d have thought Reiner Fuellmich would know better. And Expose.

Ken Hughes
Ken Hughes
7 months ago

I understand that this IS the legal action initiated by Reiner Fuellmich. He had already stated that this legal entity in New Zealand is one of the few non-corrupted and recognised legal systems in the world and that his intention was to use this to prosecute for Covid crimes. Another is South Africa where I expect to see some movement there also. There are others apparently.
The timing is coincident with Fuellmich’s arrest and I doubt whether that is coincidence.


I congratulate the Maori Govt. for its bravery and truth in the prosecution of four New Zealand officials who authorized the murder of their people with the dangerous and lethal COVID shots.
I pray this sets a precedence for other countries around the world to follow in the same manner.

7 months ago

everyone in conclusion across the world who mandated these death jabs should be in prison with hard labour for life

7 months ago

Earlier this week we explored one major motive for the pandemic hoax centered around the Common Cold virus — commercial patent ownership claims seeking to unlawfully convert the status of living people into that of “transhumans”– based on the idea that recipients of the purported vaccines voluntarily accepted patented genetic materials into their genome and became Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) owned by DOD/DARPA as a result.  

The open door to this denaturing and enslavement scheme by DOD and its affiliates was provided by the United States Supreme Court in the case Pathology v Myriad Genetics which was argued in 2013.  

This enslavement scheme would provide the patent holders with literal ownership claims on the victims and would make such “transhumans” slaves devoid of any Human Rights. 

Thankfully, these claims have already been outlawed under our Public Law and counterclaimed for what they are — repugnant unlawful conversion schemes attempting to enslave and defraud and denigrate billions of people worldwide. 

Our military subcontractors and the Boards of Directors involved in these activities are proven to be uncaring, incompetent, and suicidal criminals by their own acts and patent claims. 

That said, there is another potent and repugnant motivation for these criminals, and that is an attempt to achieve broad spectrum mind control of the Earth’s population via implanting nanoscale antenna receivers and transmitters/transponders in the victims of this horrible hoax. 

We must remember one of the stated reasons for the research and for the “domestic tests” in China — crowd control.  

It turns out that our brains are not isolated. Our brains transmit our thoughts and feelings into the surrounding electromagnetic field.  

As a result, what we think and feel is not as private as we suppose, and our thought processes and transmissions are potentially subject to manipulation. This is precisely what these criminals have been aiming at — thought control. 

Without our knowledge or consent, they have implanted billions of self-assembling nanoscale antennas active at the cellular level in people who accepted the vaccines, and these nanobots are spreading throughout the population like an infectious disease as we speak. 

The only antidotes are anti-frequency devices and certain minerals that can jam the miniscule antenna transmitters and receivers that these devils have implanted as a means of controlling our thoughts and emotions without our knowledge. 

Devils and demons are sitting in our government offices, our university chairs, and our military ranks, mindlessly promoting “transhumanism” by which they mean the enslavement and mental entrainment of the entire human race, making us all subject to their idiotic megalomania. 

It’s time to throw these control junkies so far under the bus that all that remains of them are tire tracks.

Time for everyone to wake up to facts that have been commonplace in fairly mainstream scientific circles for forty years:

It’s time for the rest of us to identify and put the heat on the politicians, religious leaders, techies, bankers, and military talking heads responsible for these outrages. 

Reply to  john
7 months ago


Reply to  john
7 months ago

Thanks. Ownership of our body is the final battle.

Reply to  Plebney
7 months ago

I read the UN charter of human rights. This is where the UN behaves like god to bestow human rights on the rest of us. It is completely silent about the human right to reject medical treatment.

Reply to  P T
7 months ago

Dear PT, the UN charter and their “human rights” is totalitarian civil law legal system based. In that system the government is said the “grant the rights” which can be and are regularly infringed, eroded or denied by the government. They are mere privileges bestowed by government.
This is the thing everyone from the common law jurisdictions needs to understand. If you come from a common law legal system jurisdiction (all of the Commonwealth Countries) which inherited their common law system from the British Empire historically, then you had a system of law based on the Natural Law Jurisprudence and that includes your Inalienable Natural Rights which should be implied terms of your constitution be it what we call a ‘written’ or ‘unwritten’ constitution.
The UK has arguably lost its original foundations due to the EU and UN laws and corrupt UN Judges which have changed the underlying jurisprudence. However, if you have a written Constitution the key is to find out what the foundational jurisprudence upon which it was drafted was.
If it was founded on the Natural Law Jurisprudence, then so long as that Constitution still stands and has not been amended to legally displace and remove the foundational jurisprudence or displace no government should be able to legally infringe, remove or deny the implied enshrined rights.

Reply to  john
7 months ago

Do you write elsewhere? I’d like to read more you’ve written. Thank you!

7 months ago


7 months ago

Well being a New Zealand, this is a first, as their is no such thing, unless, Maori have done this in secret,

7 months ago

This is false about having a maori govt and hipkins and Ashley Bloomfield jailed…it makes real truth about these forced experiment vaxs look Even better ..

Please take down the article on maori govt prosecutes…no such thing as a moaro govt …only a little maori party which actually were all for these draconian jabs for klauss shwabbs plan to depopoluate .

What a load of would know before the rest of the world did. And people that know these halfwots like dipkind and Bloomfield would know they have not been prosecuted.

Where’s your proof amd why are the media not speaking of this even al jezzera news.?


7 months ago

what! Jacinta Arden should be the number One Criminal being charged in this court!!

7 months ago

[…] Māori Government prosecutes four high-ranking New Zealand officials for committing crimes in respon… The Māori Government has sentenced Christopher Hipkins, Andrew Little, Ashley Bloomfield and Christopher James to 10 years in prison for committing crimes in response to the covid pandemic.  The court also sentenced 118 Members of Parliament to prison for supporting and facilitating the four criminals’ actions. After hearing all the evidence, the Māori Government issued a statement prohibiting the importation, sale and use of the mRNA BioNTech medical technology and all derivatives in New Zealand. […]

7 months ago

[…] Read More: Māori Government prosecutes four high-ranking New Zealand officials […]

7 months ago

[…] Read More: Māori Government prosecutes four high-ranking New Zealand officials […]

7 months ago

[…] Māori Government prosecutes four high-ranking New Zealand officials for committing crimes in respon…The Māori Government has sentenced Christopher Hipkins, Andrew Little, Ashley Bloomfield and Christopher James to 10 years in prison for committing crimes in response to the covid pandemic.  The court also sentenced 118 Members of Parliament to prison for supporting and facilitating the four criminals’ actions. After hearing all the evidence, the Māori Government issued a statement prohibiting the importation, sale and use of the mRNA BioNTech medical technology and all derivatives in New Zealand. […]

Chris C
Chris C
7 months ago

At least we can record these prosecutions in every way possible, and they are templates we can use in the future, so we need more of them.

If anyone tries to introduce deadly slow poison into your body, that is attempted murder, so you are within your God-given rights to neutralize them.

Ian Pow
Ian Pow
7 months ago

I hope this goes through and justice is served.

7 months ago

The purported “court” does not have a proper basis at law, that is why the purported defendants did not appear, and no one could force them to do so. The findings are not supported by law, and “tribal law’ is not able to be supported by competent investigations by authorised and trained investigators, and nor is there the ability for the court to exercise any proper jurisdiction in New Zealand. It has no “legal standing” in law and the “findings” are by means of a ‘show trial’ with no substance at all.
Sorry folks.

Barbara McKenzie
Barbara McKenzie
Reply to  Rhoda Wilson
7 months ago

Most New Zealanders have never heard of this bogus government

7 months ago

They should have all been hung from the neck till dead.

7 months ago

[…] Māori Government prosecutes four high-ranking New Zealand officials for committing crimes in respon… […]

7 months ago

So happy to see this push back of the corrupt NZ government .
As one NZ citizen living in the USA

LC KoolG
LC KoolG
7 months ago

Is the judgement enforceable?

Barbara McKenzie
Barbara McKenzie
Reply to  LC KoolG
7 months ago

No, completely bogus.

7 months ago

[…] The Māori Government has sentenced Christopher Hipkins, Andrew Little, Ashley Bloomfield and Christopher James to 10 years in prison for committing crimes in response to the covid pandemic.  The court also sentenced 118 Members of Parliament to prison for supporting and facilitating the four criminals’ actions. After hearing all the evidence, the Māori Government issued… — Weiterlesen […]

7 months ago

I wonder why Jacind Ardern isn’t on the list. I was immediately expecting to see her called out.

7 months ago

[…] Wakaminenga Maori Regierung (WMG) in Neuseeland hat kürzlich Premier Chris Hipkins, weitere Minister, Beamte und 118 Parlamentarier zu Gefängnisstrafen verurteilt. Der Vorwurf lautet: Straftaten gegen die Menschlichkeit in der Kategorie Völkermord im […]

Douglas F. Jack
Douglas F. Jack
7 months ago

Thank you for tidings of great joy, in re-establishing Aotearoa Nu Tireni 1st Nation ‘indigenous’ (Latin ‘self-generating’) government for all human kind & our relations with all species. Wakaminenga Maori Government. Indigenous government follows the positive proactive cultural ‘fractal’ (‘fraction, multiplier, building-block, where-the-part-contains-the-whole’) empowerment of all people at all levels of society, in harmony with human nature & the Biosphere, shakes off the decrepit Oligarch fake metal-coin ‘money’ (Greek ‘mnemosis’ = ‘memory’) system of amnesia, oppression, life-destruction & perpetual war. All humanity are originally indigenous from every indigenous nation & continent on earth, but we have lost memory of our many 10s of 1000s of years of sophisticated Peace & Prosperity for all.WE JOIN Wakaminenga from Turtle-Island (N. America), Tiohtiake, Land of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, in restoring the world to Kindness.
HERE IS THE MODEL WE ARE WORKING WITH TO RESTORE THE INDIGENOUS WAY. Your comments, suggestions, references & guidance are most welcome.
Transformation doesn’t start with government policy but when ‘We each become the change, we want-to-see in our small worlds’. Mutual-aid, intimate, loving, intergenerational, female-male, critical-mass, economies-of-scale collaboration, “Living simply, so that others, may simply live” as part of India realization of ‘Swaraj’ (Hindi ‘Self-rule’) in 1947 through ‘Swadeshi’ (H. ‘indigenous’ aka ‘Self-sufficiency’) exemplified by Mohandas Gandhi.
The Pacific Island Longhouses & other collective architecture is part of a worldwide intergenerational culture of complementary gift collaboration, known as ‘The Great-Good-Way-of-Kindness’ aka ‘Great-Law-of-Peace’ aka ‘Constitution’ or ‘Kaianere’kowa’ by such as the ‘Haudenosaunee’ (Iroquois ‘People-of-the-extended-rafters’ aka ‘Welcome’). In Central America referred to by Maya as ‘InLakesh’ meaning ‘I am another-you. You are another me’. In S. America Amazon as Maloka by the Aymara, Jamamadi, Apurina meaning Longhouse. In indigenous Celtic-Slavic Europe as ‘System of 100s’,In Germany, Austria, Hungary as ‘Associative-Economics’. In Serbia-Croatia as ‘Zadruga’ (‘Economy of friends’), In southern Africa as ‘Ubuntu’ (Nguni for ‘Human kindness’), In Korea as ‘Chaebol’ or Japan as ‘Keiretsu’ (both ‘Family economy’) & in the Chinese character for ‘money’ as the Cowrie String-shell as ‘Bei’.
All humanity’s worldwide indigenous ancestors cultivated the Multihome-Dwelling-Complexe (eg. Longhouse-Apartment, Pueblo-Townhouse & Kanata-Village) for social & economic collaboration within an average size of 32 dwelling-units or ~100 people just as all humanity’s indigenous ancestors implemented for local nurture.
About 70% of the world’s population live in Multihomes today. 20% of Multihome Dwellers are extended-families living with both privacy & proximity intentionally for social & economic collaboration. Extended-family Multihomes provide many trillions of dollars worth of the most individually appropriate care, goods & services to every continent as the world’s largest social-services provider. Albeit this greatest of human contributions is not recognized by colonial government, institutions or education, because of their innumeracy (inability to recognize relevant 3-D factors & how to calculate in solidarity for fairness & learning.
It’s really up to the rest of us to join together in mutual-aid Circular-Economies in Multihomes. When each of us & our families cultivate our intimate strengths to work & live in parallel, then apart from the central Oligarch commanded & controlled extractive & exploitive commercial & industrial false ‘economy’ (Greek ‘oikos’ = ‘home’ + ‘namein’ = ‘care-&-nurture’), we succeed.
DO-WE-KNOW-WHO-WE-ARE-? Community-Circular-Economy web-software for strengthening individuals, families, extended-families & neighbours in Multihomes (multi-million$ earning, spending & infrastructure value) & neighbourhoods as the strong foundation for all levels of human government:
A) CATALOGUE talents, goods, services, resources & dreams.  B) MAP local proximal collaborative relations for complementary economic concertation. Example: Baseline mapping of 105 Mohawk, Wendat & Algonquian Placenames in Tiohtiake, greater Montreal archipelago
C) ACCOUNT collective contributions, buying, selling & co-investment in RELATIONAL ECONOMY as once provided on the worldwide time-based equivalency accounting of the String-Shell Value system recognizing the contributions of all people specialized to: a) Domestic (Multihome collective caring, sharing, goods & services provision), b) Industrial & c) Commercial Production-Society-Guilds
D) COUNCIL-PROCESS in BOTH-SIDES-NOW, Equal-time, Recorded & Published Dialogues.

7 months ago

I live here in nz & far as I can see for Christopher Hipkins, Andrew Little, Ashley Bloomfield and Christopher James it is business as usual. I don’t hold any hopes I’m afraid for any of them being jailed. Nz run by shadow gov since the ’80s

Karen Bracken
Karen Bracken
7 months ago

So they were found guilty and sentenced to prison when are they being taken into custody and carted off to jail or is this feel good theater?

Barbara McKenzie
Barbara McKenzie
7 months ago

What nonsense! The “Maori Government” has no status whatsoever. It stems from a meeting of a few Maori chiefs in the 19th century. By 1839 their declaration had attracted 52 signatures. Their “government” was soon superseded by the Treaty of Waitangi drafted Feb 1840, signed by 500 chiefs, and then Queen Victoria’s Royal Charter, Nov. 1840.

Reiner Fuellmich has lost all credibility, associating himself with this scam.

7 months ago

It is business as usual for those four. Not in jail & is unlikely they will ever be given NZ is controlled by a shadow gov. I sincerely hope they are jailed eventually but yes, where is the power to enforce this?

Nathan Healey
Nathan Healey
7 months ago

I’m a New Zealander. And though I agree with the sentiment of the article, there is no such thing as a Maori Government in NZ. And I have not heard of the previous leader, Chris Hipkins and his administration, and our ex leading health official, Ashly Bloomfield, being tried in a court of law in this country. They were all obeying the directives of Klaus Scwarb, with our previous prime minister Jacinda Ardern quitting in Janurary with her programmed lies and needed to phone klaus schwab in her resigination, which NZers found odd, and not the NZ people who put her and her administration in office before Bill Gates turned up in this country with his then wife and filled her pkts with money with his lies and deception tells me this country has been captured would be the better story to uncover.

Nathan Healey
Nathan Healey
7 months ago

And further, John Tamihere, a lawyer, and President of the Maori Party since 2020 here in New Zealand was interviewed on tv during our 2023 election period, where he shared his organization had jabbed 1.2 million New Zealanders with these graphene oxide clot shots. My question to his organization would be how many of these 1.2 million people, mostly his own people, Maori, are dead or have been injured by these clot shots? And how many think there lives have been enhanced by his support of these killing programs? which makes the article and its author look ridiculous when the Maori elite in Aotearoa threw their people under the bus and demanded they all be vaccinated with free Mcdonalds and other prize nonsense thrown in. The commission was around $33 for every one who got jabbed…There is no such thing as a Maori Government in Aotearoa and never has been.

7 months ago

[…] Wakaminenga Maori Regierung (WMG) in Neuseeland hat kürzlich Premier Chris Hipkins, weitere Minister, Beamte und 118 Parlamentarier zu Gefängnisstrafen […]

7 months ago

[…] Wakaminenga Maori Regierung (WMG) in Neuseeland hat kürzlich Premier Chris Hipkins, weitere Minister, Beamte und 118 Parlamentarier zu Gefängnisstrafen […]

Lynn Bondurant
Lynn Bondurant
7 months ago

The Maori government is bringing back humanity!! You are a shining example to the rest of our planet!🥰

7 months ago

All politicians ‘bar a few’ are enemies of the people. The few are quickly shunted out of office by the establishment. Until populations realize all political parties left and right are controlled by the same body, to keep divide and division, nothing will change. Globalist controlled political candidates are short time ‘useful idiots’. Socialist Jacinda continued what Helen Clark started — creating a massive nanny state for citizen dependency on government. Hipkins, 2020 leftist health minister, only had to complete one final task during his short time as PM. To sign-off the 2 $billion BlackRock loan. Kiwis don’t acknowledge that debt alone, including multi-millions in interest payments has flushed NZ right down the toilet, just like Zimbabwe, Argentina, Sri Lanka. Globalist scum are always two steps ahead. Thinking like globalists do, this all makes sense.

Moana Vineyard
Moana Vineyard
7 months ago

I am Ngati Toa and reside in Las Vegas Nevada. This is inspiring. Thank-you.

6 months ago

[…] Māori Government prosecutes four high-ranking New Zealand officials for committing crimes in respon… […]

6 months ago

Check out and do your own research. All the best and be kind.

6 months ago

Are there any statutes or regulations you adhere to or have Māori legislated into law, a book of maori lores.

6 months ago

[…] Rząd Māorysów w Nowej Zdelandii zaskarża 4 oficjeli za zbrodnie w plandemii […]

6 months ago

“We instruct the forces engaged in the unlawful assault upon the lives persons property and freedom of all people Māori and non-Māori to cease and desist with immediate effect their illegitimate actions to all agents actors and members of a corporate entity operating under the name…

A number of Germans, including some parliamentarians, tried something similar during the last decades.

They analyzed the history of German constitutions and proved that today’s alleged German government is actually merely an NGO.

But it is one thing what any documents are saying,
and a different thing what a parliament full of criminals with law degrees are saying. And what the corporations are saying who invested a lot into their public partners.

4 months ago

If there is no enforcement, that piece of paper is useless.