Thank you for taking the time to read about this survey. Can-SOLVE Triple I is a large Canadian research study in which researchers are working with patients on hemodialysis and healthcare providers to find ways to improve overall patient experience with the care they receive. In this study, we engaged with hemodialysis patients, their caregivers, and healthcare providers to identify the top 10 challenges to address in in-centre hemodialysis care. Our next step is to design and test solutions to these challenges by gaining input from patients who have experience in hemodialysis like you!

Two of the top 10 challenges identified were:

  • Improve continuity of care in hemodialysis.
  • It’s frustrating for patients when they are told to see a family physician about health concerns they bring up in hemodialysis.

One of the solutions we are currently exploring is called Hubs of Care. This project aims to arrange for visits from services/care providers other than the current dialysis team at the hemodialysis unit, so that instead of traveling to separate appointments to visit different healthcare providers, some of this care would be provided in the hemodialysis unit. We think that this will decrease travel time and time spent at appointments, as well as improve communication between healthcare providers and lead to improved continuity of care.

This survey will help us to determine the need and desire for different healthcare providers in hemodialysis units across Canada. We will ask you 10 questions about the healthcare providers currently working in your unit and which additional providers you would like to see visit you at your unit. Please indicate your responses by placing a check mark in the box that best applies to you. There are also some open-ended questions where you can explain your answers further when prompted to do so.

This short survey is anonymous, which means that we will not be able to identify who completed the survey.

This study has been approved by the University of Manitoba Health Research Ethics Board.

For any questions you may have, please contact:

Melanie Talson, Research Coordinator, Ph (204) 632-3667

Clara Bohm, Principal Investigator/Researcher, Ph (204) 631-3834

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