The purpose of this study is to determine if aerobic training or weight training are more effective in controlling high blood pressure in African Americans and Caucasians. If you qualify for the study and choose to participate, you will be randomly assigned (like flipping a coin) to one of two groups: the aerobic training group or the weight training group. You will have an equal chance of being in either one of the groups. Whether you are selected for either of the two groups, you will be invited to participate in a six month study that will have three different phases that are eight weeks long: a baseline phase where you do your usual amount of activity; a second phase where you receive supervised personal training three times per week; and a final phase where you go back to your usual, pre-training activity level. You must be willing to participate in either group. Total participation in the research study may last 24-26 weeks and include health and exercise screenings and assessments, ultrasound evaluations of blood vessel function, and body fat analyses. In addition, you will be asked to provide urine, blood, and fat samples.

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