## Attaching package: 'dplyr'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
##     filter, lag
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
##     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union

Let’s load the datasets:

commune_level_data <- read.csv(

country_level_data <- read.csv(

Let’s compute the Laspeyeres index for each commune:

get_laspeyeres <- function(dataset){

  which_dataset <- deparse(substitute(dataset))

  group_var <- if(grepl("commune", which_dataset)){
              } else {
  dataset %>%
    group_by(!!group_var) %>%
      mutate(p0 = ifelse(year == "2010", average_price_nominal_euros, NA)) %>%
      fill(p0, .direction = "down") %>%
      mutate(p0_m2 = ifelse(year == "2010", average_price_m2_nominal_euros, NA)) %>%
      fill(p0_m2, .direction = "down") %>%
      ungroup() %>%
      mutate(pl = average_price_nominal_euros/p0*100,
             pl_m2 = average_price_m2_nominal_euros/p0_m2*100)

commune_level_data <- get_laspeyeres(commune_level_data)
#commune_level_data <- commune_level_data %>%
#  group_by(locality) %>%
#  mutate(p0 = ifelse(year == "2010", average_price_nominal_euros, NA)) %>%
#  fill(p0, .direction = "down") %>%
#  mutate(p0_m2 = ifelse(year == "2010", average_price_m2_nominal_euros, NA)) %>%
#  fill(p0_m2, .direction = "down") %>%
#  ungroup() %>%
#  mutate(pl = average_price_nominal_euros/p0*100,
#         pl_m2 = average_price_m2_nominal_euros/p0_m2*100)

Let’s also compute it for the whole country:

country_level_data <- get_laspeyeres(country_level_data)
#country_level_data <- country_level_data %>%
#  mutate(p0 = ifelse(year == "2010", average_price_nominal_euros, NA)) %>%
#  fill(p0, .direction = "down") %>%
#  mutate(p0_m2 = ifelse(year == "2010", average_price_m2_nominal_euros, NA)) %>%
#  fill(p0_m2, .direction = "down") %>%
#  mutate(pl = average_price_nominal_euros/p0*100,
#         pl_m2 = average_price_m2_nominal_euros/p0_m2*100)

We are going to create a plot for 5 communes and compare the price evolution in the communes to the national price evolution. Let’s first list the communes:

communes <- c("Luxembourg",
make_plot <- function(commune){

  commune_data <- commune_level_data %>%
    filter(locality == commune)

  data_to_plot <- bind_rows(

  ggplot(data_to_plot) +
    geom_line(aes(y = pl_m2,
                  x = year,
                  group = locality,
                  colour = locality))
res <- lapply(communes, function(x){

  knitr::knit_child(text = c(

    '## Plot for commune: `r x`',
    '```{r, echo = F}',

     envir = environment(),
     quiet = TRUE)


cat(unlist(res), sep = "\n")

Plot for commune: Luxembourg

Plot for commune: Esch-sur-Alzette

Plot for commune: Mamer

Plot for commune: Schengen

Plot for commune: Wincrange