Techno-News Blog

June 20, 2019

Moving from textual thinking to visual thinking

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 12:20 am

BY TOM HAYMES, eCampus News
Instead of forcing visual thinkers into textual thinking, we need to see the world differently and develop critical thinking skills.  We need to start seeing the world in different ways if we hope to make effective use of the tools of the digital age. However, our educational institutions are still locked into profoundly text-based paradigms that have limited our capacity to use and teach visual and multidimensional problem-solving skills. I see the effects of this in my students and in my colleagues. Our industrial education model is designed to teach visual thinkers to think textually. It is baked deeply into the system and starts from an early age. It profoundly limits the way we perceive the world to artificially linear tracks.

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