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11 memorable moments most breastfeeding moms can relate to

For many moms and their newborns, the breastfeeding learning curve is steep -- filled with trial, error, pain, expletives, and tears. But breastfeeding can also come as second nature for a new mama and her baby -- an expert latch right off the bat, no discomfort, and a perfect supply. And then there& 39;s everything in between.
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6 Things That Change in Your Life After Becoming a Mother!

From the day you learned that you were pregnant, you devoted all your energy to giving birth to a healthy baby and made some changes to your way of life. You have been fed more healthily, you have avoided packaged products, you have been careful not to lift heavy and make sudden movements while doing low-paced sports.
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Diagnosis of HPV virus in women

What is HPV (Human Papilloma Virus)? HPV is a virus that can be transmitted from person to person through skin contact. There are more than 100 types of HPV. About 30 of them cause genital infections in men and women and are transmitted from person to person through sexual contact. How often does HPV occur? HPV is a very common virus.
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Moms' Picks: Best baby food prep tools

Our site may earn a commission from shopping links.No one likes to keep a hungry baby waiting, which is why these bottle warmers and prep tools get top marks for doing their jobs quickly and safely.Please note, product prices and availability are accurate at time of publication.Purchasing through these links may earn our site a small commission.
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Does your child have attachments?

“Children are not obsessed with” If you are thinking that you have started to read this article, I would say very appropriate. Because some parents sometimes make big mistakes by thinking that children cannot be obsessed. Obsessions can be seen in children as well as in adults. Although the age of onset of obsessions varies, it is very important that families are sensitive to the issue in preschool period.
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Your partner's pot habit might threaten your pregnancy

In a study analyzing the lifestyles and behaviors of more than 1,500 heterosexual couples over six years, a researcher at Boston University School of Public Health found a connection between a man& 39;s marijuana use and his partner& 39;s risk of miscarriage early in pregnancy. The research includedweb-based surveys of couples actively trying to conceive.
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