A PLAN to build 17 flats on a stretch of disused railway embankment in Latchford has been revealed.

Developers are looking to build on the land off Station Road with the work including removal of some of the earth from the embankment.

The scheme would see the flats split among two blocks with planting in between including innovative walls of plants which developers claim will support bees, bats and birds.

There would be 22 parking spaces, although this is slightly less than the number required by planners.

And the developers say the disused railway line at the top of the embankment would not be disturbed so it could be used for light rail in the future.

The plans state: "Particular care has been undertaken not to disrupt the disused railway line at the top of the embankment, and structural engineering advice has been obtained to ensure that construction of the proposed development will not interfere with the council’s ambitions to install a light transit system along this route at some point in the future.

Warrington Guardian:

"The proposal considers and looks to mitigate against vibration and noise in anticipation of any future light-railway or alternate transit system through the installation of a planted retaining wall, and offering separation between this and the proposed buildings’ rear facade."

One block of housing on the land, close to where more than 170 apartments are currently being built along the Manchester Ship Canal, would be three stories in height and contains three, two-bedroom units and three, one-bedroom units while the others would be four storey in height.

The land was subject to a far more ambitious development plan back in 2017.

Back then 280 homes were planned with the removal of the railway line and underground parking suggested.

However the council dismissed those blueprints because of the impact on the road network and on people living nearby.

The planning document concludes: "Particular attention has been given to ensure any potential future delivery of a mass transit route

along the embankment’s ridge.

"The delivery of housing on this site has been confirmed to not preclude the council’s ambitions here.

"The retaining ‘planting wall’ will support bees, bats and birds through the instillation of suitable flora and bird / bat boxes in accordance with the Council’s recommendations (secured by way of planning condition).

"We would welcome a collaborative and cooperative approach with Warrington Borough Council towards delivering development in this location, and look forward to working closely with the council to deliver a scheme that is considered acceptable by all parties."