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Stop race mixing

a guest
Oct 15th, 2019
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  1. Dear black people,
  3. Race mixing is a problem. We need to stop these white people from preying on African Americans and making them our victims. Why? Because white people have it easier in America. They don’t have to worry about our brothers and sisters being discriminated against and how it took almost a century after the founding of America to end slavery and a whole century to end segregation after that. We fought a war to be free. You can be friends with whites (they’re usually good folks) but don’t marry them. Our wealth will go away in 3 decades if we don’t do something.
  5. How to stop this:
  7. 1. Marry an African American of the opposite sex/gender.
  8. 2. Have a few babies (if you have the $ and time), this will pass your genes on to them and increase the African american population faster.
  9. 3. Teach them this and how to be a productive citizen
  10. 4. (Easiest) share this message
  12. -Malcolm X (a christian)
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