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Description of the painting by Isaac Levitan "Dandelions"

Isaac Levitan is a rather famous artist, who became famous due to the fact that his paintings combined the simplicity of style and the unusual transmission of the image. "Dandelions" - this is probably one of the most popular among all the paintings of the artist. It was written in 1889. Levitan is a true master of still lifes.
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Description of the painting by Peter Bruegel "Peasant Dance"

The whole XVI, and then the XVII state of the Netherlands was shocked by revolutions and peasant uprisings. In this difficult time, one of the masterpieces of northern art appears - a painting by Peter Brueghel “Peasant Dance”. A painting was painted in 1568, currently in Vienna. The canvas depicts peasants having fun, who celebrate, apparently, the wedding of one of the inhabitants, or the celebration of the fair.
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Description of the painting by Edgar Degas "Prima Ballerina"

The end of the ballet performance. All the artists are behind the curtains and only the prima ballerina goes to bow alone. The public is raging, the public is raging. And she bows gracefully as if to each applauding person individually. It is her duty to thank the audience that way for not leaving the hall and watching the ballet to the end.
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Description of Georges Seurat's painting “Man and Woman”

Impressionism is characterized by a passion for intuition, inspiration and premonition, as the basis of work. Impressionist paintings are penetrated by light, tell of one frozen moment, and are built on feelings, not on reason. That is why Sera is also called a neo-impressionist - in many respects following the spirit of impressionism, letting the same sunlight into his paintings, he acted rationally, logically and carefully .
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Description of Claude Monet's painting “Sunflowers”

The famous French painter Claude Monet, one of the main creators of impressionism created in 1881 a unique work of art “Sunflowers”. He studied and gained experience from the great masters who gave him all their secrets and skills. The artist worked a lot in nature, trying to convey all its flavor and brightness of colors on canvas.
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