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Understanding the Use of Language Through Discourse Analysis

Discourse analysis, also called discourse studies, was developed during the 1970s as an academic field. Discourse analysis is a broad term for the study of the ways in which language is used between people, both in written texts and spoken contexts. Discourse Analysis Defined Whereas other areas of language study might focus on individual parts of language-such as words and phrases (grammar) or the pieces that make up words (linguistics)-discourse analysis looks at a running conversation involving a speaker and listener (or a writer's text and its reader).
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How the First Impressionist Exhibition Came to Be

The first Impressionist exhibition took place from April 15-May 15, 1874. It was led by French artists Claude Monet, Edgar Degas, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Camille Pissarro, and Berthe Morisot. At the time, they called themselves the Anonymous Society of Painters, Sculptors, Printmakers, etc., but that would soon change.
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What Is Bulk Modulus?

The bulk modulus is a constant the describes how resistant a substance is to compression. It is defined as the ratio between pressure increase and the resulting decrease in a material's volume. Together with Young's modulus, the shear modulus, and Hooke's law, the bulk modulus describes a material's response to stress or strain.
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Learn the History of the Swastika

The swastika is an extremely powerful symbol. The Nazis used it to murder millions of people during the Holocaust, but for centuries it had positive meanings. What is the history of the swastika? Does it now represent good or evil? The Oldest Known Symbol The swastika is an ancient symbol that has been used for over 3,000 years.
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Media, Medium, and Mediums: How to Choose the Right Word

The words "media," "medium," and "mediums" have a wide range of meanings and usages, some of which are tightly linked and some that are completely separate. All can refer to the material used by an artist to create a work of art, as in "My favorite medium is acrylic paint." "Medium," however, can also describe relative size (neither large nor small), while "the media" generally relates to electronic outlets for news and entertainment.
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