Entering the Unknown

Received by Mashubi - October 10, 2020

Golden Steps to the New #11

Dearest Beloveds,

It has become necessary for the Earth's energy body to make more significant adjustments in order  to continue to support all the life upon her.

There is a delicate balance at this time, as the new dimension reality of Oneness is arriving, however the planetary purfication is very strong, with much older energy being released and creating a kind of clogging of her energetic pathways.

Your prayers and intentions to visualize open pathways among all of her living systems, especially the holy waters will be of support to her as she enters a new phase of her planetary transition into light.

The other assistance you can offer is to release older energies, situations, objects and materials from your physically embodied life, which will allow the new energies and divine templates of Oneness to manifest more quickly.

This is also a useful time to cleanse your physical body of anything that does not serve the absolute integrity of your soul's purpose.  We bless your efforts dearest beloveds, and your presence on the holy Earth at this momentous time.