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Questions and answers

How to plant dill

Hello! Please share your tricks of planting dill. That's all self-seeding, but I have no way. I always went to my grandmother, a neighbor, for dill, although every year I sow it myself. This year the grandmother came down, there is no place to get dill, there are no other neighbors. I’m sitting, reading, what day, I’m studying. Tags: Pests, Pests 371 views | 06.
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Popular types of roofing for country houses

The roof of country houses is of great importance in protecting buildings from atmospheric phenomena, and therefore we are trying to choose only high-quality material. Slate, tile, roofing material, polycarbonate ... which roof is most suitable for which buildings? We will choose the best options for cost, quality and characteristics, installation and compliance with one or another building.
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Astragalus densely branched: description, medicinal properties

Traditional medicine still successfully “withstands competition” from the pharmaceutical industry. Many of the plants and herbs used have been known to mankind for a very long time, their effectiveness has been tested and proven by time. This group includes densely branched astragalus. The health benefits of the plant are also recognized by official medicine, including it as an ingredient in some of the dietary supplements sold in pharmacies.
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Do-it-yourself horned beehive, drawings

The horned beehive got this name due to the presence of small pins that stick out from the body or the bottom. This design was invented by Mikhail Palivodov. This design was developed as the most simplified and easy to use. It is worth noting that the original idea came out. In addition, of particular importance is the fact that, if necessary, beekeepers can use Dadanov or shop frames.
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Where to store vegetables and fruits in the country

From the very beginning of summer, we have been harvesting from the garden in our own country house. Many fruits are consumed immediately, in their raw form, some are preserved, but a certain part should be kept fresh for a long time. Today we’ll talk about where to store vegetables and fruits in the country. We have written many articles about fruits and vegetables, and each of them carries certain information.
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