


Tzou, Yu-Min Lifetime Distinguished Professor


Remediation Strategies for Environmental Pollutants Laboratory


+886-4-22840373 ext. 4206


ymtzou@dragon.nchu.edu.tw Website


‧ Advanced soil chemistry
‧ Environment analysis
‧ Literature review and translation
‧ Remediation of contaminated groundwater
‧ Restoration of contaminated soil
‧ Soil and groundwater prevention and remediation


‧ 2001 Ph.D. Soil and Crops Dept. (Environmental Chemistry), Texas A&M University
‧ 1992 M .S. Agricultural Chemistry Dept., National Taiwan University
‧ 1990 B.S. Soil Sciences Dept., National Chung-Hsing University


Environmental chemistry, Soil and groundwater remediation, Reuse and management of agricultural wastes, Environmental Chemistry Photo-catalytic chemistry

Professional Positions

‧ 2002.08 – Assistant professor, National Chung-Hsing University
‧ 2001.10 – 2002.07 Post doctor, National Taiwan University
‧ 1994.08 – 1996.07 Research Assistant, National Taiwan University

Current Research Topics

.Wang, M.K. and Y.M. Tzou. 1992. Phosphate sorption by magnetic separated soil fraction. Proceeding of International Symposium on Paddy Soils, Sept., Nanjing , China . pp.15-19.
.Tzou, Y.M. and M.K. Wang. 1995. Mobility of heavy metal (Cr, Ni) in soil and transport to ground water. Proceeding of the Workshop of Soil Pollution. pp 69-83.
.Tzou, Y.M. 1995. Mobility of heavy metal (Cr, Ni) in soil. Final report 2 Mobility of heavy metals in soil and transport to groundwater (I) 2 submitted to the Council of Agriculture, ROC., pp 1-83.
.Tzou, Y.M. 1996. Mobility of heavy metal (Cr, Ni) in soil. Final report 2 Mobility of heavy metals in soil and transport to groundwater (II) 2 submitted to the Council of Agriculture, ROC., pp 1-54.
.Tzou, Y.M. and R.H. Loeppert. 2000. Retention of Cr(VI) in the presence of organic ligand as influenced by reactive surface, Fe(II), and light. ASA-CSSA-SSSA annual meetings, Minneapolis , Minnesota .
.Tzou, Y.M., C.F. Chuang, M.K. Wang. 2001. Plantation stand thinning influenced decomposition of litters and soil physical and chemical properties. Symposium of sustainable management of forest ecosystem by thinning strategy. Taipei , Taiwan . pp 29-43.
.Tzou , Y.M., S.L. Wang, R.J. Hseu, R.R. Chang. 2005. The removal and recovery of Cr(VI) in water using Li/Al layered double hydroxide. 13 th International Clay Conference. Waseda University . Tokyo .
.Hseu, R.J. Y.M. Tzou*, S.L. Wang, 2005. In situ XRD for the observations of the intercalation of Cr(VI) on Li/Al layered doubled hydroxides (LIG) Eleventh users' meeting and workshops, Hsinchu , Taiwan .
.S.Y. Li, Y.T. Lin, Y.M. Tzou and S.L. Wang, 2005. Spatial Distribution and Transformation of Cr in Cr-Contaminated Sites in Taiwan . Eleventh Users' Meeting & Workshops, National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center . P-112.
.勵昇佑、林耀東、鄒裕民、王尚禮, 2005. 重金屬鉻於受汙染農地之空間分布與傳輸型態,土壤肥料學年會 .
.林潔如、吳玟靜、鄒裕民*。 2006 。 pH 影響鉻在錳 取代針鐵礦的吸附及催化轉變。第三屆環境保護與奈米科技學術研討會。台灣。高雄。 P658-664.
.W.C. Fu, Y.T. Lin and Y.M. Tzou , 2006. The distribution of metal speciation in the sediment of irrigating channel and agriculture soil, International Conference on Environmental Quality Concern, Control and Conservation.
.林潔如 、鄒裕民*。 2008 。 利用 H Na 2 PW 12 O 40 催化零價鋁還原六價鉻。第十二屆土壤及地下水污染整治研討會。 台灣。台北。
.林怡君、鄒裕民* 。 2008 。 探討真菌殘體 Neurospora crassa 對溶液中六價鉻之移除。第十二屆土壤及地下水污染整治研討會。 台灣。台北。
.張容蓉、王尚禮、鄒裕民*。 2008 。 經由稻稈炭化的製備以移除液相中的 2- 氯酚 。第十二屆土壤及地下水污染整治研討會。 台灣。台北。
.L.C. Hsu, Y.M. Tzou , S.L. Wang. 2008. Removal of Cr (VI) Using a Column Packed with Lithium Intercalated Gibbsite . The joint annual meeting of GSA and SSSA-ASA-CSSA, Houston , Texas , USA.
.Y.M. Tzou , S. Y. Chen. 2008. The Influences of Chemical Compositions and Molecular Sizes of Humic Substances on Cr(VI) Photo-Reduction. The joint annual meeting of GSA and SSSA-ASA-CSSA, Houston , Texas , USA .
.R.R. Chang , J.H. Syu, S.L. Wang, Y.M. Tzou . 2008. Enhancement of the Dissolution and Removal of Soil Heavy Metals by Adding Reductants. The joint annual meeting of GSA and SSSA-ASA-CSSA, Houston , Texas , USA .
.許良境、 鄒裕民。 2008 。 重金屬於受污染農地的分佈與可能的復育策略。 金、廈兩岸環境與生態學術研討會。 台灣。台北。
C.J. Lin, Y.M. Tzou . 2008. Catalytic reduction of chromate on Al metal in the presence of POM. 14 th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment. Taipei , Taiwan , ROC.
.Y.C. Lin, Y.M. Tzou , W.C. Shen. 2008. Removal of hexavalent chromium from an aqueous solution by the dead fungal biomass of Neurospora crassa . 14 th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment. Taipei , Taiwan , ROC.
.許良境、鄒裕民 。 2009 。渠道底泥與土壤中重金屬濃度分佈之關係。 第十三屆土壤及地下水污染整治研討會。 台灣。台北。
.黃詩文、鄒裕民 。 2009 。重複萃取腐植酸之結構特性及其對六價鉻吸附之影響。 第十三屆土壤及地下水污染整治研討會。 台灣。台北。
.許健輝、鄒裕民 。 2009 。添加磷酸鹽肥料對台灣紅土中鎘物種的轉變及釋放的影響。 第十三屆土壤及地下水污染整治研討會。 台灣。台北。
.許良境、鄒裕民 。 2009 。不同粒徑之土壤與重金屬濃度分佈之關係 。 第二屆城市環境科學與技術研討會暨兩岸四地生態與環境研討會 。 中國。廈門。
.Shih Wen Huang and Yu-Min Tzou. 2009. The Effects of Structural Characteristics of Repetitively Extracted Humic Acids On the Reduction of Cr(VI). I nternational annual meetings of ASA-CSSA-SSSA, November 1-5, Pittsburgh , PA.
.Chien-Hui Syu and Yu-Min Tzou. 2009. Changes in Cd Species in a Taiwan Red Soil as Influenced by the Addition of Phosphate Fertilizer. I nternational annual meetings of ASA-CSSA-SSSA, November 1-5, Pittsburgh , PA.
.Liang-Ching Hsu, Yu-Min Tzou and Shan-Li Wang. 2009. The Distribution of Chromium in Various Particle Size Fractions of Sediment and Soil. International annual meetings of ASA-CSSA-SSSA, November 1-5, Pittsburgh , PA.


.Wang, M. K. and Y.M. Tzou. 1995. Phosphate sorption by calcite, and iron-rich and calcareous soils. Geoderma. 65(3-4): 249-261. (SCI, IF: 2.068 , 6/ 31 in Soil Science )
Tzou, Y.M. , Y.R. Chen, and M.K. Wang. 1998. Chromate sorption by acidic and alkaline soils. J. Environ. Sci. Heal. A. Toxic/ Hazardous Substances & Environmental Engineering. A33 (8): 1607-1630. (SCI, IF: 1.002, 117/ 163 in Environmental Sciences)
.H.J. Chen, Y.M. Tzou , T.C. Juand, and M.K. Wang. 2001. Effect of net surface charge and NH 4 + exchange selectivity on ammonium fixation of soil clays. J. Soil and Environ. Vol.4, No.2, P93-104.
.Tzou, Y.M. , R.H. Loeppert, and M.K. Wang. 2002. Effect of organic complexing ligands on Cr(III) oxidation by MnO x . Soil Science. 167(11): 729-738. (SCI, IF: 1.037, 20/ 31 in Soil Science)
.Wang, M.K. Y.M. Tzou , and P.N. Chiang. 2002. Illite, vermiculite and montmorillonite of 2:1 clay minerals related to shale classifications and KCl muds. J. Soil and Environ. Vol.5, No.2, P107-122.
.Wang, M.K. Y.M. Tzou , and P.N. Chiang. 2002. Clay minerals in the oil drilling industry-a review. J. Soil and Environ. Vol.5, No.2, P123-132.
.Tzou, Y.M. , R.H. Loeppert, and M.K. Wang. 2003. Effects of phosphate, HEDTA, and light sources on Cr(VI) retention by goethite. J. Soil and Sediment contamination. 12(1):69-84 (SCI, IF: 0.881, 129/ 163 in Environmental Sciences)
.Tzou, Y.M ., R.H. Loeppert, and M.K. Wang. 2003. Sorption of phosphate and Cr(VI) by Fe(III) and Cr(III) hydroxides. Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 44: 445-453. (SCI , IF: 1.864, 63/ 163 in Environmental Sciences )
.Tzou, Y.M . R.H. Loeppert, and M.K. Wang. 2003. Effect of N-hydroxyethyl-ethylenediamine- triacetic Acid (HEDTA) on Cr(VI) reduction by Fe(II). Chemosphere. 51: 993-1000 (SCI , IF: 3.054, 23/ 163 in Environmental Sciences )
.Tzou, Y.M. R.H. Loeppert, and M.K. Wang. 2003. Light-catalyzed Cr(VI) reduction by organic compounds and soil minerals. J. Environ. Quality. 32: 2076-2084 (SCI , IF: 2.098, 49/ 163 in Environmental Sciences ) (NSC 91-2313-B-005-150)
.S. L. Wang, M.K. Wang and Y.M. Tzou . 2004. Effect of temperature on formation and transformation of hydrolytical aluminum in aqueous solutions. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspect s . 231:143-157 (SCI , IF: 1.926, 53/ 113 in Chemistry, Physical )
.Tzou, Y.M. R.H. Loeppert, and M.K. Wang. 2004. Organic ligand-enhanced photochemical reduction and immobilization of chromium(VI) on TiO 2 particles in acidic aqueous media. Soil Science. 169(6): 413-422. (SC I, IF: 1.037, 20 / 31 in Soil Sci ence ) ( NSC-92-2313-B-005-090)
.Tzou, Y.M . S.L. Wang, and M.K. Wang. 2005. Fluorescent light induced Cr(VI) reduction by citrate in the presence of TiO 2 and ferric ions. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects . 253:15-22. (SCI , IF: 1.926, 53/ 113 in Chemistry, Physical ) ( NSC93-2313-B-005-056 )
.S.L. Wang, R.J. Hseu, R.R. Chang, P.N. Chiang, J.H. Chen a , Y.M. Tzou* . 2006. Adsorption and thermal desorption of Cr(VI) on Li/Al layered double hydroxide. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects . 277:8-14. (SCI , IF: 1.926, 53/ 113 in Chemistry, Physical ) ( 93-2313-B-005-056) (corresponding author)
L.C. Hsu, S.L. Wang, Y.M. Tzou* , C.F. Lin, J.H. Chen. 2007. The removal and recovery of Cr(VI) by Li/Al layered double hydroxide (LDH). J. Hazard. Mater. 142:242-249 (SCI , IF: 2.975, 1/ 91 in Engineering, Civil ) ( 94-2313-B-005-018) (corresponding author)
.Tzou, Y.M . R.R. Chang, L.J. Shu, and S.L. Wang. 2007. Deintercalation of Li/Al LDH and its application to recover adsorbed chromate from used adsorbent. Applied Clay Science. 37:107-114 (SCI , IF: 2.005, 6/ 25 in Mineralogy ) ( 93-2313-B-005-056)
.S.L. Wang, C.Y. Cheng, Y.M. Tzou, R.B. Liaw, T.W. Chang, J.H. Chen. 2007. Phosphate removal from water using lithium intercalated gibbsite. J. Hazard. Mater. 147:205-212 (SCI , IF: 2.975, 1/ 91 in Engineering, Civil )
.S.L. Wang, Y.M. Tzou , Y.H. Lu, and G. Sheng. 2007. Removal of 3-chlorophenol from water using rice-straw-based carbon. J. Hazard. Mater. 147:313-318 (SCI , IF: 2.975, 1/ 91 in Engineering, Civil )
.W.C. Wu, S.L. Wang, Y.M. Tzou* , J.H. Chen, M.K. Wang. 2007. The adsorption and catalytic transformations of chromium on Mn substituted goethite. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental. 75:272-280 (SCI , IF: 4.853, 1/ 38 in Engineering, Environmental; 3/ 116 in Engineering, Chemical ) ( 94-2313-B-005-018) (corresponding author)
Chia-Lian Hsu, Shan-Li Wang , Y.M. Tzou* . 2007. Photocatalytic reduction of Cr(VI) in the presence of NO 3 - and Cl - electrolytes as influenced by Fe(III). Environ. Sci. Technol. 41:7907-7914. ( SCI , IF: 4.458, 2/ 38 in Engineering, Environmental ) (NSC-95-2313-B-005-047-MY3) (corresponding author)
.Y.Y. Huang, S.L. Wang, J.C. Liu, Y.M. Tzou * , J.H. Chen, R.R. Chang. 2008 . Influences of preparative methods of humic acids on the sorption of 2,4,6-trichlorophenol. Chemosphere. 70:1218-1227. (SCI, IF: 3.054, 23/ 16 3 in Environmental Sciences) (NSC-92-2313-B-005-090, NSC-95-2313-B-005 -047-MY3) (corresponding author)
.Tzou, Y.M*., S.L. Wang, J.C. Liu, Y.Y. Huang, J.H. Chen. 2008. Removal of 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol from a solution by humic acids repeatedly extracted from a peat soil. J. Hazard. Mater. 152: 812-819. (SCI, IF: 2.975, 1/ 91 in Engineering, Civil) (NSC-92-2313-B-005-090, NSC-95-2313-B-005 -047-MY3) (corresponding author)
.Tzou Y.M* ., C,L. Hsu, C.C. Chen, J.H. Chen, J.J. Wu, K.J. Tseng, 2008. Influence of inorganic anion on Cr(VI) photo-reduction in the presence of ferric ion. J. Hazard. Mater. 156:374-380. (SCI, IF: 2.975, 1/ 91 in Engineering, Civil) (NSC-95-2313-B-005 -047-MY3) (corresponding author)
.Y.H. Chuang, Y.M. Tzou , M.K. Wang, C. H. Liu, P.N. Chiang, 2008. Removal of 2-chlorophenol from Aqueous Solution by Mg/Al Layered Double Hydroxide (LDH) and Modified LDH. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 47: 3813-3819 . (SCI, IF: 1.895, 22/ 116 in Engineering, Chemical)
.S.L. Wang, C.C. Chen, Y.M. Tzou *, C.L. Hsu, J.H. Chen, C.F. Lin, 2009. A mechanism study of light-induced Cr(VI) reduction in an acidic solution. J. Hazard. Mater. 164:223-228. (SCI, IF: 2.975, 1/ 91 in Engineering, Civil) (NSC-95-2313-B-005 -047-MY3) (corresponding author)
.N.H. Hsu, S.L. Wang , Y.H. Liao, S.T. Huang, Y.M. Tzou , and Y.M. Huang. 2009. Removal of hexavalent chromium from acidic aqueous solutions using rice-straw-derived carbon. J. Hazard. Mater. 171: 1066-1070. (SCI, IF: 2.975, 1/ 91 in Engineering, Civil) .
.Y.C. Lin, S.L. Wang, W.C. Shen, P. M. Huang, P.N. Chiang, J.C. Liu, C.C. Chen, Y.M. Tzou* . (2009) Photo-enhancement of Cr(VI) reduction by Neurospora crassa fungal biomass. Appl. Catal. B: Environ. 92: 294-300. (SCI , IF: 4.853, 1/ 38 in Engineering, Environmental; 3/ 116 in Engineering, Chemical ) ( 95-2313-B-005-047-MY3 ) (corresponding author)
.C.J. Lin, S.L. Wang , P.M. Huang, Y.M. Tzou*, J.C. Liu, C.C. Chen, P.N. Chiang, J.J. Wu, J.H. Chen, C.F. Lin (2009). Chromate reduction by zero-valent Al metal as catalyzed by polyoxometalate Water Res. 43: 5015-5022. (SCI , IF: 3.587, 1/ 60 in Water Resources ) ( 95-2313-B-005-047-MY3) (corresponding author)
.J.C. Liu, Y.M. Tzou , J.T. Wu, Y.H. Lu, M.P. Cheng, S.L. Wang (2010) Enhanced chlorophenol adsorption of soils by rice-straw-ash amendment. J. Hazard. Mater. (SCI, IF: 2.975, 1/ 91 in Engineering, Civil) (in press).
.Y.S. Shen, S.L. Wang , S.T. Huang, Y.M. Tzou and J.H. Huang (2010) Biosorption of Cr(VI) by coconut coir: Spectroscopic investigation on the reaction mechanism of Cr(VI) with lignocellulosic material. J. Hazard. Mater. (SCI, IF: 2.975, 1/ 91 in Engineering, Civil) (in press)..R.R. Chang, S.L. Wang , Y.M. Tzou, and M.K. Wang (200X) Removal of a model chlorophenol from water using rice-straw ashes. J. Hazard. Mater. (submitted)
.P.M. Huang, S.L. Wang , Y.M. Tzou , M.K. Wang and C.Y. Chiu (200X) Physicochemical and biological interfacial interactions: Impacts on soil ecosystem and biodiversity. Sci. Total Environ. (submitted).
.The role of dissolved organic carbons derived from the fungal biomass of Neurospora crassa in Cr(VI) reduction (In preparation).
.S.Y. Chen, Y.M. Tzou* et al. (200X) The influences of chemical compositions and molecular sizes of humic acids on Cr(VI) photo-reduction. (In preparation).
.鄒裕民 ,王明光 (1996) 磷酸鹽與含鈣質及鐵質四種台灣土壤之反應 - 藉純系統探討磷酸鹽吸持之機制。中國農化會誌 .34(5):612-625.
.鄒裕民 ,陳益榮,王明光 (1997) 鉻酸鹽在土壤中的吸持 ( 一 ) 。中國農化會誌 . 35: 641-651.
.鄒裕民 ,陳益榮,王明光 (1998) 鉻酸鹽在土壤中的吸持 ( 二 ) 。中國農化會誌 36: 77-90.
.李承玹,邱志郁, 鄒裕民 ,江博能,王明光 (2003) 重金屬污染土壤中的鎘與鋅。土壤與環境。 5(4):301-307.
.李承玹 , 邱志郁 , 鄒裕民 , 江博能 , 王明光 (2003) 重金屬污染土壤中植物根分泌之低分子量雙羧基有機酸及對土壤中鎘與鋅的影響。土壤與環境。 6(1):9-16.
.高乃 智, 鄒裕民 ,王明光 (2003) 斑狀閃石安山岩麥飯石的鑑定及其對重金屬 Cu 2+ 與 Cd 2+ 的吸附。土壤與環境。 6(2):47-58.
.張容蓉,許良境,王尚禮, 鄒裕民 * (2005) 層狀雙氫氧化物在不同 pH 值下對鉻酸鹽的吸附 。土壤與環境 。 8(1,2):35-46. ( 通信作者 )
.張容蓉,王尚禮,陳仁炫、 鄒裕民 * (2006) 農業廢棄物 ( 稻桿及椰殼 ) 炭化後之結構鑑定。 土壤與環境 。 9(1,2):9-18. ( 通信作者 )
.吳玟靜, 鄒裕民 * (2006) 鋁取代型針鐵礦對六價鉻之吸附及光催化反應 。 土壤與環境 。 9(1,2): 59-68. ( 通信作者 )
.張容蓉, 鄒裕民 * (2007) 炭化稻草對於 2- 氯酚之吸附。台灣農業化學與食品科學。 45(4,5): 206-217. ( 通信作者 )