Plans to reopen a Stoke-on-Trent railway station are on the cards after gaining support from the Government.

Proposals for Meir Station have been recommended by an expert panel to progress to the next stage of the Restoring Your Railway process.

The station, off George Avenue, was closed down in 1966 as part of the infamous Beeching cuts, and today there is little evidence it existed at all.

Stoke-on-Trent South MP, Jack Brereton has welcomed the news that the bid to reopen the station has been chosen as one of ten nationally from a total of 60 applications which were submitted to the Department for Transport restoring Your Railway ideas Funds.

Mr Brereton said: "It is fantastic that our proposals to reopen Meir Station have made a leap forward today, gaining support from the Government.

"Reopening the station would have a massive impact on improving local transport, making it easier for people to get around and access better employment opportunities.

"I look forward to progressing these plans further and seeing train services return to Meir."

Work will now be undertaken to see what work needs to be done to reopen the station, including funding.

Councillor Faisal Hussain, city councillor for Meir South, said: "I am really happy to hear that we have been successful in our bid to re-open Meir Station.

"I would like to thank all those that have supported our campaign to get this done.

"Such a move will be really beneficial to Meir and will be a massive help to local residents."