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French government takes aim at covid “conspiracy theorists” and complementary and alternative medicine in draft bill to combat sects

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In mid-November, the French Senate reviewed a draft law that aims to crush dissent using hefty fines of up to EUR 15,000 and threat of jail time.  Anyone daring to criticise medical treatments could fall foul of this law.  Considering the “covid vaccines are safe and effective” false narrative propagated by the government, this law is nothing short of outrageous.

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The French Parliament is made up of two chambers, the National Assembly and the Senate.  Bills are examined by both Houses of Parliament. Because both houses may amend the bill, it may take several readings to reach an agreement between the National Assembly and the Senate.

The Secretary of State for Citizenship and the City, Sabrina Agresti-Roubache, presented a bill to the Senate aimed at strengthening the existing legislative arsenal to combat sects. At the top of the draft legislation are the words:

The bill is aimed at strengthening the fight against sectarian excesses specifically in health. On announcing a renewal of their partnership with the national council of physicians, Conseil Ordre Des Médecins (“CNOM”), the Inter-ministerial Mission for Vigilance and the Fight against Sectarian Abuses (“MIVILUDES”) said:

In the Larousse, “sectarian” is defined as “a follower of a religious or philosophical doctrine, and, in particular, a member of a sect, of a dissident faction of a religion”.

For MIVILUDES, “it is a misuse of freedom of thought, opinion or religion that undermines public order, laws or regulations, fundamental rights, security or the integrity of persons.”

Sectarian abuses or “excesses” have been on the rise in recent years, since the rise of social media but especially during the covid crisis.  The number of reports exploded in 2021 due to “conspiracy theories and alternative medicine.”

French information website noted criteria that characterise the risk of sectarian excesses:

  • mental destabilisation;
  • the exorbitant nature of the financial requirements;
  • breaking with the original environment;
  • the existence of attacks on physical integrity;
  • the recruitment of children;
  • anti-social discourse;
  • disturbances of public order;
  • the importance of legal troubles;
  • the possible diversion of traditional economic circuits; and,
  • attempts to infiltrate the authorities.

It should be noted that a single criterion “is not sufficient to establish the existence of a sectarian excess and all criteria do not have the same value. However, the first criterion (mental destabilisation) is always present in cases of sectarian excesses,” MIVILUDES said.

On its website, MIVILUDES has a non-exhaustive list of other characteristics that can serve as “alert signals,” such as:

  • the adoption of a language specific to the group;
  • loss of critical thinking;
  • the obligation to buy or sell certain equipment or services as an unavoidable condition of belonging to the group; and,
  • disruption of the normal functioning of public services.

The new draft bill to combat these “sectarians” provides for two new offences.  An article published by L’Express summarised the five Articles contained in the draft bill and noted (French to English using Google translate):

The wording taken from the draft bill states (French to English using Google translate):

The key words are according to “current medical knowledge.”  This, basically, can mean anything – it just depends on what the “experts” say it means at the time.

Although the bill was presented to the Senate on 15 November, no timetable has been set for the examination of the law in the National Assembly.

Featured image: Sabrina Agresti Roubache, Secretary of State to the Minister of the Interior and Overseas, in charge of Citizenship and the City.  Source: French Government

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raj patel
raj patel
6 months ago

As David Icke forecast, this will all come to a head in 2024 when truth and justice will prevail.

john hubbard
john hubbard
Reply to  raj patel
6 months ago

I hope you’re right !

Reply to  raj patel
6 months ago

“Remember how they got your Mother to sign you over to them as a chattel property without the benefit of disclosure, and fooled her into misidentifying you as a citizen of the United States (Corporation)? 

That created an American “infant decedent estate” — a conveniently intestate property interest representing your “waived” birthright estate interest in your actual State of the Union.  

This is what they were using as collateral to borrow against, and they rooked your Mother and defrauded you to do it. At the end of the day, they proposed to divest themselves of your “waived” property by giving it away to their own creditors.” 

They played a lot of other tricks with it, too.  

They used it in their own corporate tribunals and pretended that they were Public Trustees acting as the Administrators of your Estate during your unaccountable “absence”. 

They used your unconscionable waived infant decedent estate as the excuse to claim a custodial “public interest” in you and your private and public property. 

That, in turn, allowed them to act as Executors de Son Tort — men with no real right or contract to dispose of your property, who nonetheless assume these powers unless someone opposes them.  

Obviously, you have to know what they are doing before you can oppose it, and we could not do that, because they never provided disclosure to our Mothers and we ourselves were far too young to remember their registration process and initially, too ignorant about foreign law to know the result of that birth registration, even if we miraculously became aware of it. 

It was a good gig the scoundrels had going here, throughout the former Commonwealth, most of Western Europe, and Japan.  

Quite aside from the coercive power that their assumed role as Executors provided, and all the payola they could strip from our “waived” American estates, the real payday came after our physical deaths, when they could pretend that our American estate was permanently vacated, cash in the attached life insurance annuities, and invoke the Medieval practice of bona vacantia. 

When someone dies intestate and without an apparent heir (and according to them, we all “died” and waived our American estates as infants) then our estate is seized by the King as public property with himself serving as the Public. 

Charles the Third is still doing this in England where 
a recent scandal surrounding the practice of Bona Vacantia erupted in the Duchy of Lancaster. 

Tens of millions of dollars obtained from the estates of intestate dead people living within the borders of the ancient Duchy of Lancaster were seized and used to benefit Charles’ personal estate, instead of going to charities within the Duchy.  

The Guardian broke the story and did this follow-up, showing how Charles is scurrying to cover it up and appearing to make it right:


Mark Deacon
Mark Deacon
Reply to  john
6 months ago

While after being found out the King meets up in COP28 to discuss the next part of the planned genocide.

Can’t remember the queen ever going to a COP gathering though.

Reply to  raj patel
6 months ago

There is an awful lot of disinfo out there being deliberately spouted to keep people from looking where they should be looking.
The question is, who profits?
Where does the proceeds from the life insurance policies go which were attached to the legal fiction person?
A commercial crime and a genocide at a magnitude people can’t comprehend.

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
Reply to  raj patel
6 months ago

Martin Armstrong is an astute economic analyst whose views and forecasts are sought by world leaders. He has an impressive track record of making forecasts that prove to be accurate.

“COVID-23 First Announced

This is not looking good people. I reported that places like New York are already implementing the harshest quarantine laws imaginable. Airports have already begun ramping up screenings for international travelers. Europe will prohibit free travel for non-EU citizens in 2025. Best of all the 2024 US Presidential election is one year away, Biden is polling in negative territory, and the globalists and neocons insist on keeping him in office. All of the cards are aligning for the elite to implement the second COVID plan-demic, but this time they will not give up control.”

Mark Deacon
Mark Deacon
Reply to  Watcher Seeker
6 months ago

The issue if you are concealing all the lies that losing controls starts to reveal the truth. Once that truth starts to be unraveled it will just spread into everything.

So expect another fraudulent election or possibly some issue as to declare martial law.

I can’t see any other mechanism to keep the elites in power.

They sure as hell do not have enough money to hand out freebies the way this is all going.

Reply to  raj patel
6 months ago

I agree raj. It will get real ugly and then the light will shine in 2024. God Wins this one.

Gord and K
Gord and K
Reply to  vmontie
6 months ago

JESUS CHRIST is GOD and HE is coming soon for the rapture, are you ready?

Gord and K
Gord and K
Reply to  raj patel
6 months ago

Don’t worry, get rapture ready, our Lord and Savior JESUS CHRIST is coming soon!

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
6 months ago

So the people have to believe everything the government says.

In the 1970s, the French passed a law that made it illegal to tell the truth. The law mandated that everyone must believe a government lie.

The issue was the Katyn massacre in WW2. During WW2, the Russians killed about 14,000 Polish army officers in a forest near to the village of Katyn. Of course, Russia was one of the allies, so the truth had to be covered up. The official story of the allies was the Germans did it.

By the 1970s. most people in France knew the truth, and the truth was spreading, so the French government passed a law making it a criminal offence to say that Katyn massacre was NOT carried out by German Nazis or say that the Russians did carry out the massacre.

After the fall of the Soviet Union, the Russians opened up their archives and revealed the proof that it was the Russian army who did it, so it wasn’t Germans – proving that the French law made it illegal to tell the truth.

To read more about the Katyn massacre –

“Hitler’s War Crimes vs. Those of Churchill & the Americans”.

6 months ago

What te hell is ging on

Brin Jenkins
Brin Jenkins
6 months ago

We have a two pronged problem wresting for complete control over us, Covid and climate, staying unjabbed has stood me in good stead healthwise as those who ignored all the indications are even now now dieing off. The climate crisis and the false solutions to energy are just so obvious to me, so I feel these ignorant despotswill be defeated. by science and logic For any with an enquiring ming this guy Jo Postma is hated by the greens he disproved all of thier false energy budgets as a flat earth mentality.
You might want to visit his site and join in the commenting. He has posted a number of very interesting and thought-provoking articles. There are a number of like-minded and very intelligent folks commenting there.
Climate of Sophistry

6 months ago

Every one of these articles can be used to describe the government and public health agencies behavior.

Jerry Alatalo
Jerry Alatalo
6 months ago

The person or persons (sellouts to Big Pharma and Bank for International Settlements digital money/totalitarian dictatorship slavery wet dreamers) who wrote the censorship legislation snaking its way through the French Parliament obviously haven’t watched Dr. Peter McCullough take his fact-based-reality, mass murderer-seeking wrecking ball – and completely destroy the four-years-old COVID Killshot wall of lies

French Parliamentarians, and elected representatives all across the Earth, can watch Dr. McCullough’s amazing, successful demolition here:

6 months ago

La folie criminalle de I’Etat.

Ken Hughes
Ken Hughes
6 months ago

So, if I disagree with the “Safe and Effective” narrative for Covid “vaccines”, I must be mentally unstable?
If I encourage anyone to refrain from further “vaccinations” I will go to prison and get a heavy fine?
We are now at a stage much worse than the old USSR where dissidents were sent to mental institutions or sent to Siberia.
Whenever I put these points to friends and visitors I either get discouraged from speaking further, or I get a dismissive reaction from the person I am speaking to. People do not want to hear the unpleasant truth, they just want to carry on living their lives with their heads stuck in the sand. The only problem is, they won’t be able to ignore this by the time this process of tyranny is complete. They will have become slaves.

J Smith
J Smith
Reply to  Ken Hughes
6 months ago

Or dead.

Chris C
Chris C
Reply to  Ken Hughes
6 months ago

My friend says the same: “I like to keep my head in the sand”, but surely as a human it is OUR DUTY to inquire about and question what tyrannical governments do to control everyone, and OUR RIGHT (as per 2nd Amendment) to defend ourselves from such evil lying monsters?

6 months ago

[…] –  French government takes aim at covid “conspiracy theorists” and complementary and alternative m… […]

6 months ago

Looks like the French government just indicted themselves. Spreading false information about the IFR of sarscov2, administering ineffective and unsafe(dangerous) experimental biologicals made by moderna and Pfizer, locking people in their homes, shutting down businesses, shutting down schools, masking everyone, in the name of a man manipulated coronavirus. Yes indeed, a whole lot of misinformation and malfeacence. Brought to you by the French government and their s ie tidings “experts”.how scary is that.

The French people do not hesitate to protest when something goes on in their country they don’t like. Anyone been to Marseilles lately?t to say France already has enough problems on their plate is an understatement.. So why on earth would they add another layer dishonesty to their pile of problems? Because they can? Great time waster to say nothing about wasted taxes.

Chris C
Chris C
6 months ago

I have never known poisonous pill/vaccine-pushing “doctors” prescribe fresh air, sunlight, exercise, organic fresh local wholefood, healing herbs, massage etc., so health is something we have to do for ourselves, to slowly undo the effects of bad habits and evil Rockefeller Foundation “medicine”.

The fact that governments are now using threats to outlaw real health, using their latest A.I./Internet toys proves that they are desperate to keep control, and time is up for them.

6 months ago

The list of characteristics of Sectarian Excesses must surely put every Western government in the frame! For all require adherence to the political doctrine du jour and seek to criminalise rebels.

6 months ago

I think the following items apply to the French government:

  • the adoption of a language specific to the group; meaning use and abuse of terms like extremists, anti-vax or conspiration theory,
  • loss of critical thinking, meaning follow the State’s “consensus” and don’t ask questions;
  • the obligation to buy certain services as an unavoidable condition to belong to the group, meaning enforcing the jabs as a condition to have the right to travel or work; and,
  • disruption of the normal functioning of public services, meaning lockdowns with special privileges to Amazon and the likes, denying access to hospitals to the unvaccinated.
Chris E
Chris E
6 months ago

“….. a misuse of freedom of thought ……..” Ahahahahahaha! If there’s a law against that, they’re guilty as charged!

Reply to  Chris E
6 months ago

Still laughing …… it’s better than stand up comedy ……”… a misuse of freedom of thought …..” …. it’s just ridiculous! ….. ahahahahaha!

6 months ago

[…] Read More: French government takes aim at covid “conspiracy theorists”  […]

6 months ago

[…] French government takes aim at covid “conspiracy theorists” and complementary and alternative me… In mid-November, the French Senate reviewed a draft law that aims to crush dissent using hefty fines of up to EUR 15,000 and threat of jail time.  Anyone daring to criticise medical treatments could fall foul of this law.  Considering the “covid vaccines are safe and effective” false narrative propagated by the government, this law is nothing short of outrageous. […]

6 months ago

Covid? Vaxx? Climate Change?? All irrelevant BS!

One question……….

What happens to the French and British nukes once the muzzies take over??

6 months ago

[…] French government takes aim at covid “conspiracy theorists” and complementary and alternative me…In mid-November, the French Senate reviewed a draft law that aims to crush dissent using hefty fines of up to EUR 15,000 and threat of jail time.  Anyone daring to criticise medical treatments could fall foul of this law.  Considering the “covid vaccines are safe and effective” false narrative propagated by the government, this law is nothing short of outrageous. […]


A good example of Bills, Acts & Statutes having nothing to do with Law.

Same as mentioned earlier when the French passed a law/Bill making it “illegal”, a “criminal offence” to tell the truth, about the Katyn massacre.

Might be a bit harder here to bury the truth as the EMA has now gone on record stating that it has exclusively allowed the corona vaccines on the market for individual immunizations 
and absolutely not for the control of infection and absolutely not for preventing or reducing infections.

Mark Deacon
Mark Deacon
6 months ago

Well they can shove all of “Article 4″

I have chosen to be my own medical doctor going forward and have removed all consent for medical therapies unless explicitly defined by me.

Gord and K
Gord and K
6 months ago

We can’t wait for the rapture to get out of here! Maranatha!

Anne Gordon
Anne Gordon
6 months ago

A sinister move on the part of the french conventional medical practitioners particularly in view of the statistical millions of death and serious injuries by iatrogenisis. Look it up!

5 months ago

[…] Nieżont Żabojadów namierza “teoretyków spiskowych” oraz medycynę komplementarną i alternat… PB: Sekta globalnych psycholi namierza normalnych. […]

5 months ago

[…] French government takes aim at covid “conspiracy theorists” and complementary and alternative me… […]

David Johnson
David Johnson
5 months ago
  • I thought it ironic that sectarian excesses are what describes the ‘medical system; I mean the following mostly applies to the medical system.
  • the adoption of a language specific to the group; medical vernacular
  • loss of critical thinking; every doctor in lock step abandoned the hippocratic oath and bought ‘safe and effective without any qualms.
  • the obligation to buy or sell certain equipment or services as an unavoidable condition of belonging to the group; What can I say? NO drug without the committee paid for by the drug companies’ stamp of approval. What could go wrong?
  • disruption of the normal functioning of public services. sounds like the Covid-19 measures that were supported by the medical profession.

We live in times that are almost looking like they are designed to wake up the maximum number of humans is the shortest time. It is working!

3 months ago

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3 months ago

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