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Beloved stargazers,
first things first, benefic planet of love and attraction Venus plunged into the lunar lagoon of Cancer yesterday. In case you missed my forecast, here is the link.

Right now, as we speak, the Moon is on fire in Aries, merging with the incendiary energy of Mars, marching towards the Jupiter/Pluto/Saturn crossfire (she will square the Capricorn planets tomorrow, Sunday 9). Now more than ever, I’m finding it hard NOT to be triggered by the current events, by the state of the world, by what I hear and see — but I’m trying to harness all my inner fire and channel it into my individual pursuits. This would be my advice for the remainder of the weekend. Don’t undermine yourself. Don’t make yourself a target on the battlefield. Fortify yourself.

On Monday 10, early in the morning here in Europe, Luna enters the sign of Taurus, where she is exalted, welcomed and embraced. The world reveals itself to us through senses. We can plod along at a steady but unwavering pace towards our destination. On the same day, Mercury in Leo squares Uranus in Taurus, an aspect I always find particularly thrilling, because that’s when disruptions in our habitual thought patterns can lead to creative breakthroughs.

On Tuesday 11, the Third Quarter Taurus Moon harmonizes with the Capricorn planets: a crisis in the inner realms can be a doorway to lightness of being and renewal.

Wednesday 12, with the Moon entering Gemini, looks like a day of heightened intellectual activity and circulation of ideas, while, on Thursday 13, Mars in Aries forms a square to Pluto in Capricorn — quite possibly the most intense day of the week. The saying “Not Fragile Like a Flower, Fragile Like a Bomb” comes to mind. The lid to Pandora’s vase of suppressed emotions and ancestral rage will come off. The point is what we will choose to do with that rage. Keep in mind that, with Mars stationing Retrograde next month, the Mars/Pluto square will occur once more in late September and then in December, so this square is likely to reveal long-term dynamics that are bound to resurface at a later time.

On Friday, 14, the Gemini Moon crosses the North Node, highlighting the current Nodal narrative and suggesting pathways towards the future. The next day, as Luna enters both the sign of Cancer and her Balsamic phase, Uranus stations Retrograde, calling us to review our process of radicalization and encouraging us to examine the inner transformations that have taken place in response to external disruption.

The card I have pulled for the upcoming week is the Son of Wands.

We may or may not have the bandwidth or capacity to push through with our goals this week, but small, baby steps can go a long way.


P.s. I have  a BIG ANNOUNCEMENT coming up this month, and I can’t wait to talk to you about it. For now, I can’t go into detail, but I’ll drop a small tiny hint: if you’ve ever considered studying astrology with me, you might want to keep an eye on your inbox. ;)

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