Make a stand for the preservation of the free internet and freedom of information! Sign our petition and let the Members of the European Parliament know what ...
Online free speech has never been in more danger. Technologically illiterate politicians from both the left and right are demanding more censorship from big ...
Help us to strengthen citizen participation. We want to support your petition to get the attention it deserves while remaining an independent platform.
Youth Internet users, millennials, and Gen Z advocates, we must band together to prevent the passage of the Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA), preserving our ...
We've compiled some of the worst internet bills on this petition to make it easier. Fill out the form to automatically email your lawmakers opposing the ...
The petition we ask you to sign pleads for the quickest and most effective way to counter the current encroachment on basic rights… rapidly implement a strategy ...
Petition: Children deserve a secure and safe internet. Join us in our fight against the EU's attempt to scan every move we make online. Sign the petition.
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Es fehlt: internetzensur | Suchen mit:internetzensur
Die Online-Petition (auch: E-Petition) bezeichnet eine Möglichkeit zur Einreichung einer Petition über das Internet.
Petition gegen Internetzensur! Benutzer-Blog. Freunde des Freien Internets: Helft mit! Seit dem 22. April gibt es auf bundestag.de eine Pedition mit dem ...