Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope CurrentUser # scoop check if (!(Get-Command scoop -ea ignore)) { Write-Host " Installing Scoop...`r`n" -f yellow Invoke-Expression(Invoke-RestMethod } else { Write-Host "Scoop is already installed!" -f green } "`r`n" # git check if (!(Get-Command git -ea Ignore)) { Write-Host " Installing Git...`r`n" -f yellow scoop install git Clear-Host Write-Host "Git installed succesfully!" -f green } else { Write-Host "Git is already installed!" -f green scoop update git } "`r`n" # ffmpeg check if (!(Get-Command ffmpeg -ea Ignore)) { Write-Host " Installing FFmpeg...`r`n" -f yellow scoop install ffmpeg Write-Host "FFmpeg has been installed succesfully!" -f green } else { Write-Host "FFmpeg is already installed!" -f green scoop update ffmpeg } "`r`n" # download atzurUpscaler and direct to the SendTo folder $SendTo = [Environment]::GetFolderPath('SendTo') # check for an existing installation if ((Test-Path -Path $SendTo\atzurUpscaler.bat -PathType Leaf)) { $Option = Read-Host @" atzurUpscaler is already in the SendTo folder, what would you like to do? Press O to overwrite (update atzurUpscaler) Press E to exit "@ # convert input to lowercase (idk if this is necessary) $Option.ToLower() # overwrite existing file / exit if ($Option -eq "o") { Write-Host "Overwriting..." Remove-Item $SendTo\atzurUpscaler.bat -Force }else { exit } } # download and install the script Write-Host "Installing atzurUpscaler..." -f yellow Invoke-RestMethod | out-file "$SendTo\atzurUpscaler.bat" -encoding ascii Write-Host "atzurUpscaler has succesfully been installed and added to SendTo!" -f green pause exit