European Cities Commit to More Cycling


More than half of the global population now lives in urban environments, and many people who formerly relied on bicycles for transport now have access to cars and motorbikes. Motorization has brought surges in congestion, pollution and other safety risks.

But Manfred Neun, the president of the European Cyclists’ Federation, said many of the present trends can be reversed.

“Just because a city is not cycling-friendly today doesn’t mean it has to stay that way,” said Mr. Neun, whose federation is helping organize Velo-city 2009, a conference to be held in Brussels May 12-15 that organizers say is world’s leading event dedicated to urban cycling.

“With the right mobilization of politicians and citizens, everything can change,” Mr. Neun said.

He noted that cities like Brussels were “climber” cities, with around 4 percent of daily trips there made by bicycle. Copenhagen, he said, is a “forerunner” city, with 35 percent of all commuters using their bikes for journeys to work.

Among the themes to be discussed at the conference are ways of improving urban cycle routes, how cycling helps combat pollution and climate change, and how tax systems can be used to encourage more people onto bicycles.

Among other events: A so-called bike-in cinema, where riders can enjoy an outdoor movie, and a demonstration of a special elevator to help cyclists up steep hills.

The capstone of the conference will come on May 15 with the signing of a “Charter of Brussels” at the European Parliament by the European Commission and by mayors and authorities from Copenhagen, Seville, Tartu, Munich, Edinburgh, Varna, Budapest and Reggio Emilia.

In the weeks to follow, dozens of other cities across the European Union are are expected to sign the charter, which is aimed at making cycling a fully fledged means of urban transport on par with transport by car, according to Pascal Smet, the minister for mobility for the government of Brussels.

Signatories to the charter would make commitments that include ensuring at least 15 percent of daily trips are made by bicycle by 2020, reducing the numbers of deadly accidents involving cyclists, and creating theft-proof parking places for bicyclists.

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I would like,Bratislava,capitol of Slovakia, to follow,but it s years away.

A heartfelt testimonial to taking up biking at 58:
A month ago, my girlfriend ditched me for not being active enough. After a week of feeling sorry for myself, I got a mountain bike and climbed aboard. I now do 20 off-road miles per day, which is delightful fun. With fifteen pounds quickly gone, all sorts of forgotten things are re-emerging: the half of my wardrobe that had just been taking up shelf space; a certain six-pack I hadn’t seen in ~25 years; my appetite (eating ~1000 more calories/day while rapidly losing weight is a complete hoot :-)
Most surprising of all is the re-emergence of my libido, which had been half-retired for the last decade.
Do I want that girlfriend back? Hell no: she ditched me!

< < the charter, which is aimed at making cycling a fully fledged means of urban transport on par with transport by car >> Just “on a par” with cars? That should be a mere interim goal. Looking further ahead, why not banish cars from cities completely?

I ride my bike to and from work in a town just outside of Budapest, Hungary and would like to state that Hungary could quite possibly be the least bicycle friendly place in Europe. Shoulders are non-existent on the roads which are left in a permanent state of disrepair which causes all kinds of swerving by the motorists who seem to find sport in unsafe driving speeds. I used to feel much safer biking in the states.

Los Angeles will always be an automobile city due to its unfortunate history with public transportation, but our streets are wide enough to add more bike lanes. While LA will never be a proper bicycle city, perhaps we can have neighborhoods take responsibility for their communities and things will change in pockets around town?

‘With respect to cycling, I’m happy to live in the Netherlands where many biking lanes can be found and a bike typically is the first bithday present that children receive…
Sadly though, rain in the Netherlands is just as common as in Seattle: however, if you count the days that it actually rains when biking back and forth to work you will be surprised!

Hybrid electric bikes are a transportation revolution just waiting to happen. The weak link is safety. Bicyclists must be protected from cars.



Pascal van den Noort May 5, 2009 · 8:50 am

It is now over ten years that I ride Brompton and I travel for work with it internationally. I work for Velo Mondial, which is the global organization that promotes sustainability and that is leading in the world in promoting cycling. Cycling out of context is not going very far; cycling in context of sustainable mobility has the future. Read our experience in //

Nature loves bicyclists, and most folks could use a little exercise anyway. Of course, the petroleum industry would sell less in tires, oil and gasoline with millions pedaling instead of driving. A great idea is to have urban greenbelts, or ‘greenstrips’, with a bicycle lane inside to keep bike riders away from cars. Many folks would use it while enjoying some nature! //