
Tom Woxom

10.9K plays 7.5K downloads
Released Jan 22, 2009
Plays 10.9K
Downloads 7.5K
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Favorites 2
The songs in this album are licensed under: CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 Please check individual tracks for their respective licensing info.
Album info

Kickstart, the first album by Tom Woxom, a German composer fascinated by the Amiga 500.
With help from his treasured computer, a couple of keyboards and software, Tom Woxom built himself a puzzling musical universe. Through ornate beats and powerful heady basses, this album lures the listener into multiple atmospheres. Tom Woxom dares unusual pairings, as in Sofachips, where he combines a soul voice with an electro melody on the verge of dance music.