Travel Health: Jet Lag, Cosmic Radiation and In-Flight Emergencies

New York Times reporter Jane Brody’s recent article on avoiding the health hazards of air travel, “Flying Healthy, From Takeoff Past Landing,” sparked a lot of interest, and some questions, from readers.


This week, travel health expert Dr. Mark Gendreau answered readers’ questions on safe travel. Dr. Gendreau is senior staff physician and vice chair of emergency medicine at Lahey Clinic in Burlington, Mass., and assistant professor of emergency medicine at the Tufts School of Medicine in Boston. His special interests include health issues associated with commercial air travel, including transmission of infectious diseases.

Do you have additional questions on air travel health? Post your questions in the comments section below. Dr. Gendreau will answer questions in the coming weeks.

Saline Nasal Sprays


I’ve found that saline nasal spray used before, during and after being in planes or crowds wards off respiratory ailments for me. Have you any experience with this? — Susan Skovronek


Your anecdotal experience is supported by science. Several studies have shown that daily use of saline nasal spray can reduce the chance of getting upper respiratory tract infections and sinusitis. Saline sprays are readily available over-the-counter.

The saline spray increases the activity of the nasal cilia, the tiny hairs on the lining of the nasal passages that beat back and forth to remove particles and microorganisms from the nose. The saline also helps moisten the mucous membranes of our eyes, nose and mouth, which serve as our initial barrier of protection against invading microorganisms. Maintaining proper moisture at this level is critical for this immune barrier to function properly.

I also recommend getting into the habit using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer to maintain good hand hygiene whenever you are traveling or out in the public, since most infections that we catch are introduced by our hands touching our eyes, nose or mouth.

Ear Pain and Sinus Congestion


As someone who always seems to get congestion or sinus infections after a flight, I try to hydrate and stay away from caffeine during the flight. I also take a decongestant before take off to relieve pressure in my ears for takeoff and landing. I wonder: would this also contribute to drying of nasal and mucous passages and my sinus problems post-flight?
–Karo M. Serle, Regulatory Analyst, Communications Division, California Public Utilities Commission


Yes, the use of decongestants contributes to the drying of nasal and mucous passages. But they also help relieve the symptoms of pain and difficulty hearing that many people suffer from during descent and landing of the aircraft. Studies show that decongestants work best when taken 30 minutes prior to landing, rather than taking them before the flight.
Keep in mind that the pressure within the passenger cabin changes during flight, going from high on takeoff to low during cruising — and back to high on landing. These changes tend to collapse the eustachian tube in the middle ear, resulting in the characteristic “pop” sensation, pain and difficulty hearing.

People who have nasal allergies or sinusitis are more prone to nasal, ear and sinus problems because they tend to have a blocked or congested eustachian tube or sinuses. This makes it more difficult to equalize the pressures, especially during descent. Continued sinus and ear discomfort or congestion that lasts more than several hours may indicate other problems like chronic sinusitis. If symptoms persist, check with your doctor.

It is always a good idea to stay well hydrated, since the passenger cabin is notorious for having a low humidity that can exacerbate nasal and sinus problems. You might find relief of your symptoms by changing your use of a decongestant to 30 minutes prior to landing, rather than before takeoff. It may also be beneficial to use a saline nasal spray, which studies show reduce the occurrence of sinusitis.

Cosmic Radiation


I am 6 months pregnant and will be taking a trip from Los Angeles to London/Paris next week. Your article about cosmic radiation was a bit alarming. I wanted to know: what are the hazards to pregnant women? – Helen Hong


Cosmic radiation is a form of radiation that comes from outside the solar system, and from particles released during solar flares. The intensity of cosmic radiation depends on the year (due to solar cycles), altitude, latitude and length of exposure.

While fight crews are classified as “radiation workers” due to the fact that they are exposed to higher natural radiation doses compared to the general public, the health risks associated with these higher exposures remain inconclusive, and it is agreed that even the most frequent air travelers have little or no increased health risk from cosmic radiation exposure.

However, pregnant air travelers warrant special consideration, since recent studies show that the fetus is exposed to the same amounts of radiation as the mother, and radiation exposures greater than 2 millisievert (radiation dose is measured in millisievert) have been associated with congenital and cognitive problems.

You have nothing to fear in regard to the radiation exposure you and your baby will have during your trip, since it will equate to a flight time of 10.5 hours each way, or 0.1 millisievert exposure each way. However, pregnant woman should have a radiation exposure limit of no more than 1 millisievert during the whole pregnancy, which equates to approximately 200 flight hours during the pregnancy.

Radiation exposure increases during solar flares, so the Federal Aviation Administration notifies air carriers of impending solar flares. That way they can adjust aircraft altitude and limit the extra radiation exposure during such times. However there have been anecdotal reports of air carriers failing to adjust their flight altitudes during solar flares. Pregnant women and air travelers in general can access the solar-radiation alert system online at the National Weather Service’s Space Weather Prediction Center ( before travelling and change flight days accordingly

In-Flight Medical Emergencies


I recently had a heart attack, and just hours after arriving at the hospital had a quadruple bypass open heart surgery. Fortunately I was home, and not traveling for business, when this happened. I’m 51, fairly thin, vegetarian, nonsmoking, nondrinking, and I had what I incorrectly thought was a healthy enough diet.

My question is this: my mind has begun to replay “what if?” scenarios, and I wonder how airlines would deal with a passenger who complained of chest pains, say, one hour into a 5-hour flight. Or a 10-hour or 15-hour flight?

Given that chest pains are sometimes not indicative of heart attack — but sometimes are — what is the passenger’s duty to minimize false alarms while not putting his or her own life at risk? – name withheld on request


Passengers should always notify a flight attendant whenever they are having a health problem. Although the flight crew has only very basic training on responding to medical emergencies, they have the ability to communicate via satellite phones to physicians on the ground, and several telemedical companies routinely assist flight crews during in-flight medical emergencies by providing instructions on what to do. Many times there are medically trained fellow passengers who also readily volunteer to assist whenever the flight crew broadcasts a call for help.

All U.S–based commercial aircraft that carry more than 85 passengers, and most international air carriers, carry an automated external defibrillator, as well as both a basic and enhanced emergency medical kit. Only medical professionals or flight crew instructed by on-ground physicians are allowed access to the enhanced medical kit, which carries various emergency medications to deal with serious in–flight medical emergencies. The captain of the aircraft has the ultimate authority as to whether or not to divert the aircraft, but they tend to side with caution and what is in the best interest of the stricken passenger.

In-flight medical emergencies are increasing, and this is partly due to more people with medical conditions traveling by air. It is very important to note that unique environmental and physiological changes occur as a result of changes in pressure during routine commercial air travel. These changes can exacerbate preexisting medical conditions, such as cardiac and lung conditions.

I recommend that individuals with any cardiac, lung or blood diseases, diabetes or cancer, as well as those who have undergone any surgery within a 14-day period prior to travel, check with their doctor to make sure they are fit for air travel. Children need to be at least 1 week old to safely travel by air. As a rule of thumb ,one should be able to walk a distance of 150 feet and climb one flight of stairs without developing any chest pain or severe shortness of breath.

Jet Lag


I have a question about how jet lag and long-haul flights affect infants, and what might make a long trip easier. I live in Singapore but am hoping to travel back to New York with my wife and our daughter, who will be 5 months old by the time we travel. She’ll have all her immunizations, and our pediatrician suggests giving her decongestant drops.

I’m also wondering what (if anything) to do about jet lag, and what to expect from her once in New York for three weeks – and then back in Singapore. It’s a 24-hour trip, with a layover in Japan and a 12-hour time difference. And since we have immediate family in New York its not really a trip we can avoid. — Mohammed Hadi


Jet lag is a temporary circadian rhythm disorder associated with long-haul flights and is characterized by sleep disturbances, fatigue, constipation and reduced coordination and cognitive skills. It is caused by the desynchronization between the body’s internal clock, which resides in the hypothalamus of the brain, and the new light/dark cycle at the destination.

The degree and severity of jet lag depends on the flight direction and the number of time zones crossed. Westward travel lengthens the traveler’s day, thereby causing a delay in the circadian rhythm. Eastward travel, on the other hand, shortens the day and causes an advance in the circadian rhythm.

Travelers tend to have greater difficulty falling asleep after an eastward travel than after westward travel because of the internal clock’s natural tendency to resist shortening the 24-hour day cycle. Re-synchronization of the internal clock typically takes one and a half days for every time zone crossed eastward and one day for every time zone crossed westward.

Taking melatonin is the best treatment for jet lag symptoms, especially when traveling across five or more time zones. Most individuals find it works best when it is taken when it would be bedtime at the desired destination.

If traveling across more than seven time zones, pretreatment for three days prior to travel may be needed to get the best effect. However, use of melatonin in children under the age of 16 has not been studied, and as a result it should not be given to children. People taking warfarin (coumadin) or who have epilepsy should also not take melatonin.

Other treatment methods have been recommended, such as going to bed one hour earlier than usual, and awakening one hour earlier than usual, beginning three days before traveling eastward. Or, for westbound travel, going to sleep one hour later and awakening one hour later than usual three days before a trip.

Phototherapy, which involves intentional exposure to — or avoidance of — bright light at the destination to hasten resynchronization, has also been advocated. But it is often impractical or inconvenient. Jet lag calculators ( are available to assist travelers figure out a light exposure schedule should they wish to try phototherapy.

Do you have a question or comment about safe air travel? Post your questions and comments below.

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My father got a blood clot after flying, revealing he has DVT. He has had blood clots since and is on Coumadin for life. As a result I had the genetic testing that revealed I have Factor V Leiden and Factor II Prothrombin. I have had doctors suggest everything from taking aspirin to injections of Lovenox before flying to wearing compression socks. I’m 27, never had a blood clot, am not on birth control or other medication. I fly at least once every month for work and don’t do anything beyond the usual recommendations of drinking water, walking around on the plane, and moving my legs while sitting down. Do you think I should take additional precautions?

I am referring to your suggestion about taking melatonin for jet lag after crossing several time zones, specially eastward. You have written that it works best when taken “when it would be bedtime at the desired destination. My Q: If I am flying from NY to say, Bombay (about 10 hrs. ahead), and board a flight at 8 pm sat. and land at Bombay at 10pm Sun.(local time at destination) and if that is generally the bed time also,When should I take melamine?-at noon, wherever I am in flight?or at a time during flight when it would be noon in Bombay? I would appreciate this clarification since our family travels every year there and half the vacation is spoiled for this one reason only.Thanks

You recommend melatonin as a jet lag remedy in your article without mentioning that it can sometimes cause vivid dreams/sleep disruption, which is what I have experienced when taking it as jet lag remedy- obviously the side effects cancel out any benefit. That being said, it may work well for others, but I would recommend that anyone who wishes to use melatonin as a sleep aid/jet lag remedy try it as part of their normal routine before traveling so you will know how it will affect you.

Hello Dr. Gendreau,
My wife and I will be taking our newborn with us to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico for a friend’s wedding. He will be three months old at the time of the trip. Are there any special precautions we should take with him both during the in-air segment as well as during our time in Mexico?

Thank you.

Does Melatonin help with all the jet lag symptoms or just with the sleep. I find that even after I am sleeping at the proper time I still experience all the other symptoms and really don’t feel normal until I have been at the destination at least one day for each hour. Would melatonin help with this?

I’m glad you mentioned how important the nose is since that is where many germs end up due to germs picked up from our hands and then touching the nose or we breathe them in. Cold and flu germs love the nose. The nose is also where staph can reside. Nasal Irrigation ( including the Neti Pot) is a good idea and so is Nozin Nasal Sanitizer. If more people did regular nasal hygiene they would get sick less and spread fewer germs.


I worked for an international organisation where intercontinental travel was an integral part of the job (I calculated that I was averaging 26 intercontinental flights per year). For myself I found that Melatonin was a wonder drug, it did not make me sleep but when I did I slept deeply and awoke refreshed. Interestingly, life expectancy for the staff was below average despite skewing thinner and healthier than the average; this could reflect greater stress, more time zone changes and, possibly? radiation exposure.

Integrated Clinics of Otolaryngology April 16, 2009 · 10:26 pm

The doctor will prescribes antibiotics for bacterial sinusitis, you may need to take them for as long as 3 weeks. If you really want to feel better, get plenty of rest and fluids so that your body’s immune system can work along with the antibiotics to fight the infection.

Feel free to view our site Integrated Clinics of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery (ICOHNS). It is a center for the diagnosis, therapeutic and rehabilitative management of ENT-Head and Neck concerns.

Jet lag is at least, 50 percent in the mind.

Hava a nap when you get there and then just get over it and get on with life.

Jet lag is is not some mysterious malady


David (frequent “long distance” traveller

Dear Doctor,

What is the best medication you recommend for Air Sickness? I seem to get the worst of it, compounded by my nervous state. I did try over the counter meds- Dramamine etc, but wasn’t helped 100%. Maybe my timing and dosage is off (i.e I take half the recommended dose right before boarding). Your valuable advise will help an anxious traveler in her future long Transcontinental flights.


My husband is about to be transferred to NY for work this summer. I may have to fly from Europe to NY (one way) between 6-8 months of my current pregnancy. Years ago, I tested mildly positive for antiphospholipid syndrome (APS). This means that my blood may be more prone to clotting problems when pregnant. I do not have to take anything for APS when I am not pregnant because the APS test results were borderline. However, when I am pregnant I have to take a form of heparin (which doesn’t cross the placenta). Everything that I read about flying in pregnancy seems to point to the idea that it is generally considered safe and that you should simply follow the guidelines that are set for pregnant air travelers. I am not sure how these guidelines pertain to me. Do people with APS have different air travelling guidelines? And/or is it safe for a pregnant woman with APS to fly? We have looked into taking a boat across, but the cruise lines that go between Europe and NY take one week (at the least). And all of them say that they will not take passengers beyond 24 weeks because their ships are not equipped for the possibility of a premature birth. More than likely, the transfer that my husband is expecting will be between 25-32 weeks. Any advice on whether it is safe to fly?
Thank you.

To US –
I’m no doctor, but if you’re only taking half the recommended dose, why are you surprised the Dramamine isn’t working? The recommended dose is what the manufacturer has determined is needed to get the desired effect in the average person, so why cut it in half? It’s like trying to pay only half the cost of a ticket and being surprised the airline won’t let you fly!

Notwithstanding the fact CDC refuses to modify or update its comments re: alcohol-based hand sanitizers within its 1996 “hand hygiene recommendation” , they’ve verbally stated that its “not their job” to inform the public that alcohol-free alternatives (specifically those that incorporate the organic compound benzalkonium chloride) are equally if not more effective protecting against the broad spectrum of pathogens, and are necessarily safer to the skin.

We’ve researched products such as Soapopular, Hy5 and others, and infection control experts insist that BAC-based products are in fact more appropriate when washing with soap and water is not available.

Would you care to provide your expert opinion?

thanks #13– I would like a clarification on ths as well….we go to a lot of trouble to find/grow/eat food that has minimal chemicals….so washing hands with chemicals…with or without soap…doesnt make sense…please advise..

also nasal sprays without nasty chems…additive..

I am confused about traveling and adjusting my sleep schedule prior to my trip. I am traveling to Ibiza from Pennsylvania. It is 6 hours ahead there. Some articles suggest that I adjust my sleep schedule to the time there. However, it sounds contradicting when it suggests I go to sleep one hour earlier when traveling east. For example, it is now 2:30 am. If I were to go by this schedule, and adjust my sleep pattern according to this, it would be 8:30 pm here and 8:30 am there. So, could you please tell me the best way to adjust my sleeping and eating schedule?

You posted the radiation hazards of flying to unborn children, but coud you share any info about radiation danger to newborns who fly? Thanks,Clare

I’m also concerned about this. ABOUT.COM under Men’s Health, and Cosmic Radiation – says some things, which worry me more