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Creating a Mindset for Success

I just returned from another great conference (actually we call it a Retreat) with my fellow financial planners in the Garrett Planning Network. Each year I get a lot of inspiration by re-connecting with long time members and meeting new planners that are just getting started.

One of the first presentations of the retreat discussed the need for people to believe that they have a purpose in life and how important this is not only for personal well being but for society on a larger scale. As financial planners, we have a wonderful opportunity to help people uncover and recognize their purpose in life so they can live with greater clarity. At some point in the future I want to cover this subject in greater detail, but it made me think of a similar topic that I had started to write a while ago but never finished.

So today, I wanted to share with you my top 5 tips for creating a mindset for success which of course will apply to any area of life, not just your finances.

I strongly believe that the most important factors for success are your attitude about life as well as your willingness to adapt and how you choose to respond to circumstances faced in life.  You may think that you already have a mindset for success, and perhaps you do. However, you can always benefit from strengthening that attitude and therefore increasing your chances for the success you deserve. Check out these ideas to see if you might have room for improvement:

1. Find your inspiration

It’s not a cliche. Some things energize you and some things repel. Discover what inspires you the most and use it to jumpstart your motivation for life. Feeling inspired enables you to maintain the drive necessary to find success. Do anything you can within your power to find inspiration.

  • Make a list of your ultimate dreams, and then ask yourself if you’re on the right path. If you are, you’ll know that everything you’re doing will be rewarded.
  • If you don’t feel like you’re on the right path, perhaps it’s time for a change.
  • Maybe there’s a deeper reason why you’ve felt a lack of motivation. Reflect on what this reason might be, and then decide on how you can renew your drive. When you’re on the right journey, you’ll feel inspired!

2. Surround yourself with positive people

When you’re around positive and inspiring people, you’re more likely to adopt those traits into your own personality and go for your goals with enthusiasm. Negative people, on the other hand, tend to make you negative also. If you must be around people that continually bring you down, do your best to avoid taking what they say to heart. You know that they don’t speak the truth.  Keep the peace as best as you can to get through these situations and then move on.

3. Take risks

Don’t be afraid to take initiative and plunge forward towards your goals. People who take action find success. If you take action and start to see the results of your efforts, your attitude will only improve.
 The increased drive and motivation you get from your actions can be the difference between success and failure.

4. Focus on your purpose

Identify what you know deep down is your purpose in life and foster it. When you are focused on your purpose, it’s easier to have an optimistic attitude. If you have a lack of focus and don’t know where you’re going or why you’re here, it leads to being unmotivated and lethargy.

5. Allow for mistakes

We are  all imperfect humans. You’ll make mistakes from time to time. Be careful to avoid judging yourself harshly when this happens, as it negatively affects your self-confidence. If you work on more of a “go with the flow” attitude, you’ll find that you’re able to pick yourself back up and continue moving forward when you do make a mistake. Failures are just another chance to learn to do it better. I love the concept that those who have had great success in life have probably had many great failures, too. So if you are going to succeed, go ahead and fail — but “fail often” — keep taking chances — and “fail fast” — don’t dwell on it.

What are your tips for creating a mindset for success? Share below…