Texas Aims for Solar Dominance

Solar panelsKelly LaDuke for The New York Times Texas wants to be No. 1 in producing energy this way.

The Lone Star State leads the country in wind power. Now Texas aims to ramp up its solar production, too.

This week the state senate is considering an avalanche of bills that would boost state incentives for solar power, and the entire legislative session has become known as the “solar session.”

Altogether, according to David Power, the deputy director of Public Citizen Texas, a consumer and environmental advocacy group, there are 69 renewable energy bills before the legislature, and more than 50 of them promote solar power — far more than ever before.

“There are senators and representatives that are talking about solar that have never mentioned the word probably in their lives,” he said. “We’ve actually heard the term ‘global warming,’ and two years ago that was called ‘the G word’ — you didn’t talk about it.”

Mark Strama, a state representative who is a leading promoter of renewable energy, has introduced at least five green bills this year (including a measure that would allow local governments to create a property-tax financing program for solar, along the lines of several California cities).

“It just seems like everybody recognizes our leadership in wind, and that government policy got us where we are today in wind,” he told me last month.

In solar, he added, “We need to catch up.”

Some businesses, concerned about higher energy prices, urge caution.

“The state should avoid picking economic winners and losers in our economy through subsidizing solar — or any energy source — at the expense of the residential, commercial and industrial consumers who contribute significantly to the Texas economy,” Luke Bellsynder, the executive director of the Texas Association of Manufacturers, said in an e-mail message.

He also said, however, that his group supported incentives and tax abatements for solar, and broadening the state’s energy portfolio.

Earlier this month, the city of Austin, which is aggressively pursuing renewable power, unanimously gave a go-ahead to a private company to build the largest photovoltaic plant in the country, so that the local utility, Austin Energy, can buy the electricity produced.

But the city met fierce opposition from struggling local technology companies and other groups, who complained about the prospect of higher electric bills.

Comments are no longer being accepted.

As the leading emitter of greenhouse gases in the country, Texas faces enormous challenges in the coming years. Solar energy and the green jobs it will create are one of the true bright spots in Texas’ future. As David Power says, this legislative session has been remarkable for the lack of debate over global warming. The debate today is about *how* Texas will create a clean energy future.

The need for clean energy has united environmental advocates and forward thinking businesses in the call for solar and other renewable energy. With the development of wind energy, the future of energy in Texas grew beyond fossil fuels. This session, the Texas Legislature is looking to work with–not just against–the sun. It’s truly a new day in Texas.

For updated news about the Solar Session, please visit //www.acttexas.org

Lize Burr
Alliance for a Clean Texas

This brings a tear to my eye–the state that gave us the worst environmental president in our history is scrambling to lead the nation in alternative energy. There is justice and hope in this world.

It’s crucial that we reduce our carbon footprints to less than three tons/ year. Any and all efforts to lessen our dependence on oil is to be applauded. Go go go Texas!


Now if they’d only stop executing people at the rate of 3rd world countries I might consider visiting.

You might have mentioned that Austin has among the highest electricity rates in the country already.

Rr_Salamander, I cannot believe that you would criticize Lyndon Johnson so vehemently in the NY Times. While I don’t always agree with you, let’s mark this down as an exception. Perhaps one day New York State could equal Texas in population, economic output and in ability to move millions of people into the middle class, although personally, I kind of doubt it.

The renewable energy goals that Austin is aspiring to place in doubt the need for new reactors at the South Texas Project. This is probably a good thing since sea level rise could compromise the cooling pond containment for this site before the new reactors reach their design lifetime. Withdrawing the license application presently before the NRC and winding down procurement contacts with Toshiba would be a very good cost saving move at this point since new nuclear power cost between $0.25 and $0.30 per kWh, more than the cost of wind or solar.


Are there any plans for Texas to build better public transportation like trains from the sprawling suburbs of Houston into the downtown area, bolstered by better bus and tram links? As a former Texan and now a big city dweller, I think it really is a shame how such a huge, rich state didn’t have the foresight to build better insfrastructure. People are DEPENDANT on their cars to get anywhere, whether “in the city” of Dallas or Houston, or throughout the vast and ever growing suburbs. I’d like to know why??

I don’t think people should be surprised that some group is pushing for this in Texas and is close to succeeding with the state government having a “solar session.” With the Texas legislature meeting so few days a year and having high private interest influence, it’s a two-edged sword. Green energy industry can be represented as well as conventional energy. It’s just who spends the most, pushes the hardest, and works to get it represented. Texas is not the place where it is highly centralized in planning (ie, LR’s comment on infrastructure). It’s a mix of interests from industries, citizens, and groups who push agendas. It can be good or bad depending on the situation.

To #7- Judging by your attitude, a “former” Texan you will remain. I am a native Houstonian and consider myself a “big city dweller”, considering the fact that Houston is the fourth largest city in America. The point with all the comments is that you cannot please all of the people all of the time. Every state has its good and bad qualities. I am a proud Texan and applaud my state for making an effort!

Richard in Connecticut March 25, 2009 · 10:27 am

Texas had, 35 years ago, one of the strongest presences in solar PV via the microelectronics industry. When federal interest in alternative energy ceased around 1976, all the large-scale industrial and academic research stopped cold, and has pretty much remained that way ever since. There is, however, still a major intellectual and physical resource in semiconductors between Dallas and Austin that can contribute to new technology, and the presence of commercial-scale PV, regardless of the details, should help motivate interest. There’s nothing like having an application in your backyard, and device physicists in the neighborhood, to stimulate innovation.
Especially if your backyard, like mine was, is a hard-baked solar furnace most of the year.

#4 – Austin may be high for the country (I wouldn’t know) but it’s low for the state. When I lived there they summarized costs for 1000kWh in various Texas markets, and Austin was always significantly cheaper than El Paso, Houston, DFW, etc. Basically anyone who had deregulated their electric utility paid more for electricity than Austin.

Where are you getting you claim from?

To #8 – You didn’t answer the question or offer any relevant information or pose any insightful questions. And it seems to me you are quite defensive, not very amiable for a Texan. For the record I enjoyed living there, it was just a nuisance having to get in the car just to get just a gallon of milk. I love the fact that I am now in a city where I can walk down the street to get milk and many other things or get on a train and have access to anything I want or need in a matter of minutes.

The big cities of Texas would greatly benefit with better mass transit if not only to revive the downtown areas outside of office hours, but reduce emissions, improve people’s physical fitness by walking to the store (instead of sedentary in the seat of an SUV), and very likely reduce the amount of drunk driving accidents (a whole other topic in itself- it took an hour to get a cab from a very popular Houston night spot when we didn’t have a sober driver).

Anyways, back to the real subject at hand… I think Texas could do many things to better it’s environmental standing and yes, I have been very pleasantly surprised to hear about the amount of wind farms popping up through out the state. And Texas definitely has the heat of the sun to utilise solar power! Hopefully they continue to push forward and no longer be dictated by the oil companies and refineries.


They need to execute at a faster rate. “Bam. Done. Next.”

It’s nice to see that they are wanting to lead in alternative sources of energy. Now if only every state could channel that kind of thinking and do the same.

I am looking forward to some incentives to go PV.

The only new inputs into our system are a few meteors and the suns radiation. Everything else is already here and being used up…

So let me get this straight, I can make my own electricity, pollution free or wait on clean coal? I can lock in my price of electricity forever? I will be able to charge my car with it? I can store it in batteries?

Wow, what an exciting technology, I wonder why more people don’t use it…

Paul, you are ignorant and off-point.

This is great news and I hope more states will follow the leadership of Texas and California in developing renewable energy technologies fit for the 21st century.

With regards to the pushback from those concerned about higher electricity bills, we all need to get used to the fact that electricity, like gasoline, should and will be more expensive in the future. Making it more expensive is the only way to get people to use less (i.e. sustainable amounts).

I agree with the comment regarding the lack of adequate infrastructure and I hope that Texas along with all other states realize the critical role of public transportation as the only sustainable large-scale method of transport for the future. We need to build high-speed local and inter-state trains that replace our crippling need for cars and invest in existing bus and subway systems in order to provide better coverage for daily commuters.


Re: Comment 12. Apologies to #8, my comment was directed at #9 Britt !

I agree that Texas has been very backwards in failing to provide mass transit to the populations of the big cities. There is now a tremendous opportunity ( as there always has been) to provide high speed, clean , safe, effecient, electrically powered, city center to city center rail transport between Houston, Dallas , San Antonio and Austin via the I35 and I10 corridors. This would be such an economic boon and increase jobs and quality of life. Why is no one working on this?

to #7 – Houston has an unrivalled automotive infrastructure which has served it well. At that time of its design, global warming and the environmental issues weren’t known. Now, the city is in the middle of building a train-based infrastructure which will include the suburbs as you’ve mentioned. The inner-city pieces were added first so that when the suburbs are added later, then will be able to connect. I’m sure that DFW has similar infrastructure programs going on. Like #9, I’m a proud Texan and a proud Houstonian.

LR, surely you don’t believe Texans (probably mostly transplants from “big cities” as you now describe yourself) are not responsible for the size of the state or the national obsession with autos. Trains are set for revival and new first rate commuter grids are, as we write, being built throughout the Dallas metro areas for example. Trains were, from the late 1800’s, critical to development throughout the West and Texas in particular. The town I grew up in, located on the Oklahoma and Texas border was essentially developed because of railroad expansion. Later, the interstate highway system developed during and following the Eisenhower administration furthered the demise of train transportation. It’s ironic, at least to me, that Eisenhower was actually born in this same border town, Denison, Texas that once personified the once dominate MKT rail system. Ask anyone in town and they will telly you that trains are clearly making a comeback around here. it will not be shocking to me if, before I die, I will once again be able to board a passenger train down at the old main street depot and be able to travel to any corner of the country, as I did with my family in the early 1950’s when I was a child. Texas is already amoung the leaders in the nation toward the development of alternative energy. Just within the past 10 years, even with great opposition and at extrodinary expense, wind power already factors in as a significant alternative to conventional sources and currently produces approximately 4% of Texas’s energy requirements to date. Solar will be infinitely less costly in a very short time period due to ongoing worldwide research, trial, and local efforts already well underway. Oh yes, one other not so minor reason, the state’s economic wealth notwithstanding, why Texas will ecliple all other states in alternative energy production, Sunshine. Abundant and free, hum, not a bad combination when seeking a sustainable resource. One day, solar panels will be as common as is the roof on a house. Retro-fitting will rapidly grow less costly, especially with homeowner and developer incentives now being legislated and even offered by some companies already. New construction installations will be a given for solar, what with all you guys constantly moving here from those “big cities”.

To LR,

While I am not familiar with the organization or its plan, the National Association of Railway Passengers has developed a vision of increased high speed rail service across the country.

For their Texas specific vision, see:

To see a vision of an improved US railway system:

I think if Texas really does push hard they can dominate solar as the have a lot of sun and very large patches of unused land that would be ideal. Austin, TX has already made a push for many renewable energies and have had some success also in the green building industries. I think states and the federal government just need to provide more incentive to get this off the ground.

– – –

I have recently moved to Austin from Silicon Valley. The incentives for solar for home owners is just incredible. Austin Energy has a rebate that covers around 55% of the cost. Add to that the federal rebate of 30% and it means that one can get a system that covers around 70-80% of one’s electricity needs for around $4000 for the next 25 years.
If this is not a deal, I don’t know what is!

texas caring about the enviroment is not likely.
texas caring about money is.
the incentives will probably flow to
political cronies who will gladly allow taxpayers
to subsidize their profits.
i support alternative energy policy
but one must ask
“cui bono”

Texas is recognizing that it’s profitable to invest in renewable energy and help grow the industry. And what’s wrong with that? Nothing. The only way we will make real headway on the clean energy issue is for companies and governments to be able to expect profits.

The idea, of course, is to propel renewable technologies (especially solar) out of the fledgling technology phase and into readiness for competition with fossil fuels. The more profitable Texas can make that process, the faster and more efficiently it will happen.

Sarah Smith

I have business in Brownsville, Tx and I was very much interested to put solar system for my business but I did not get any support from port of Brownsville where my business is located and PUB, the local utilitiy company. As cost of solar project is very high and expensive, I think that the solar energy project cannot be done without financial help from local, state and federal Govt help. As I strongly believe in solar enegy and I think it is the thing of future. Pl let me know what finacial helpcan I get from local, state and federal Govt for project in Brownsville, Texas.

Thanks and wait for your reply/comment.

Harshad Shah