ALTERNATE NAMES: Wood, Woodpile, PW. The word "peckerwood" originated as an African American slang term for "woodpecker" in the 1800s, but by the early ...
Missing: simply coined 19th
Peckerwood is a term for a woodpecker which is used in the Southern United States and it is also used as a racial epithet for white people, especially poor ...
Missing: simply coined
The meaning of PECKERWOOD is —used as an insulting and contemptuous term for a rural white Southerner.
Missing: pejorative coined 19th century Black Americans poor
This word was coined in the 19th century by Southern black people to refer to poor white people. Pink pig: (South Africa) a white person. Whitey ...
May 6, 2020 · The term Peckerwood was coined in the 19th century. It was a derogatory term used by Southern blacks to describe poor and/or rural Southern ...
Missing: simply pejorative
Peckerwood (or simply Wood) is a pejorative slang term coined in the 19th century by southern Black Americans to describe poor whites. Blacks saw blackbirds as ...
Pecker. Wood. Peckerwood ... It's just like, you know, the white people have words back there for blacks. ... They were just poor. They had been through a lot ...
Missing: simply 19th century
Southern blacks used "peckerwood" as a derogatory term to describe poor and/or rural Southern whites. A dictionary of African-American slang explains that the ...
Poor working-class whites. Refers to airborne cotton lint in textile plants where low-income whites worked. Lobster · Whites, White people burn red like ...