Almost everybody understands the dangers associated with alcohol abuse, including liver damage, brain damage, deterioration of kidney and bladder function, and these can eventually lead to death.  However, many people are not aware that alcohol abuse can cause or even worsen leaky gut syndrome.  Alcohol is a toxin in your body, and while small to moderate consumption under the right circumstances poses no harm to your body, alcohol abuse and binge drinking can have disastrous consequences on nearly every part of your body.

Leaky Gut Syndrome Explained

While leaky gut syndrome is not yet a medically accepted disease, and the debate over its very existence rages on,  there are numerous symptoms that can be pinpointed on the disease.  Leaky gut syndrome happens when your intestinal walls become thinner, and they eventually become permeable to the food, toxins and other waste products traveling through them.  The danger of leaky gut syndrome lies behind the fact that any food or waste products traveling through your intestines can easily seep out and absorb into the rest of your body.  This can cause major problems for all major body organs including the heart, liver and kidneys.

Alcohol Abuse and Leaky Gut Syndrome

While alcohol doesn’t always cause the syndrome, and leaky gut syndrome has numerous causes, there have been few studies that show excessive alcohol consumption can lead to the syndrome if consumption is not slowed or halted after symptoms have started to appear.  The exact science behind this phenomenon is not totally understood, but it is believed that alcohol suppresses prostaglandins in the body.  Prostaglandins control the level and amount of inflammation in the intestines.  When there is a low supply of prostaglandins in the blood stream the small and large intestines become inflamed, which causes many of the symptoms normally associated with leaky gut syndrome including abdominal pain, heart disease, episodes of diarrhea, skin problems and chronic fatigue.

Treatment of Leaky Gut Syndrome

While there is no instant cure that acts as a silver bullet against leaky gut syndrome, there are ways to reduce the symptoms of the disease and eventually treat it, this information you can find it here: .  First, completely eliminate your alcohol intake for one month to determine if symptoms go away.  Certain OTC drugs, especially aspirin can contribute to leaky gut syndrome.  Immediately discontinue the use of any medications that are not prescribed by your doctor.  Avoid eating sugary foods and drinking sugary drinks as these can contribute to the problem.