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Last Updated: Tuesday, 13 July, 2004, 17:18 GMT 18:18 UK
'Swastika attack' woman detained
A member of the Jewish community looks at a desecrated tombstone in Herrlisheim, France on 30 April 2004
The reported assault follows a rise in anti-Semitic attacks
Police in France have detained a woman who alleged she had been the subject of a shocking anti-Semitic attack.

The move came after no evidence was found to corroborate her story four days after the alleged assault on a train in the suburbs of Paris.

The 23-year-old woman said six men cut her clothes and drew swastikas on her body, assuming that she was Jewish.

Police say there are trying to clarify some inaccuracies in the account of the woman who has not been named.

According to French media reports - citing unnamed police sources - the woman subsequently admitted having made the story up.

The case has sparked widespread condemnation amid concern that racist and anti-Semitic attacks are on the rise in France.

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