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Technology blog

  • Female engineer assembling electronics

    Women in technology
    Would tech be different if women made up half the workforce?

    From no cyberbullying to less pink, three women in tech share their thoughts on how life would change with gender parity in the industry
  • Leap motion in action

    Technology blog
    Leap Motion: A look into the future of computing

    Touch is transforming how we interact with computers, can motion control do the same? By Jonathan Hyde
  • 'Free' has been replaced by 'Get' on Apple's App Store.

    Tech open thread
    Got to 'get': the end of free apps on Apple's App Store – Open Thread

    Have your say on iOS store’s new buttons, as well as Uber questions, Apple encryption, Jolla tablet and more. By Stuart Dredge
  • Uber's privacy policies are under scrutiny.

    Technology blog
    Uber clarifies data privacy policy as controversy rumbles – today's Open Thread

    Have your say on the debate around Uber’s threats to journalists, as well as Apple Watch, Twitter and more. By Stuart Dredge
  • Lara Croft's evolution has reflected the debate about gender equality in games. Would ratings help?

    Technology blog
    Sweden explores sexism ratings for games – today's Open Thread

    Have your say on the idea of gender equality ratings, Uber’s latest row with journalists, Snapchat Snapcash and more. By Stuart Dredge
  • Will Facebook be stretching into your working life soon?

    Technology blog
    Facebook at Work to take on LinkedIn and Google Drive – today's Open Thread

    Have your say on the social network’s move into business, Spotify’s Uber deal, Google’s Project Tango and more. By Stuart Dredge
  • Apple's Health app has plenty of personal data.

    Technology blog
    FTC in talks with Apple over health data protection – today's Open Thread

    Have your say on HealthKit privacy, Amazon v Hachette, Samsung’s mobile video service, Men Of Pinterest and more. By Stuart Dredge
  • More than 10m Xbox One consoles have now shipped to retailers.

    Technology blog
    Xbox One: 10m shipments gain ground on PlayStation 4 – today's Open Thread

    Have your say on the current console battle, Twitter changes, Taylor Swift v Spotify, Microsoft and more. By Stuart Dredge
  • Candy Crush Soda Saga has big boots (and bottles) to fill.

    Technology blog
    Can Candy Crush Soda Saga be a big hit? Today's Open Thread

    Have your say on King’s fizzy sequel, as well as Mozilla virtual reality, Apple iMessage lawsuit and more. By Stuart Dredge
  • Robots: they come over here, stealing our jobs (and saying 'boogie boogie'...)

    Technology blog
    Report claims a third of UK jobs at risk from robots – today's Open Thread

    Have your say on the pros and cons of automation, as well as Masque Attack malware, Google v Ebola and more. By Stuart Dredge
  • Facebook wants you to prune your news feed if you're bored by some updates.

    Technology blog
    Facebook adds more ways to control news feed – today's Open Thread

    Have your say on latest social network feature, as well as Apple iMessage, Blizzard on GamerGate, Amazon and more. By Stuart Dredge
  • South Park freemium games

    Technology blog
    South Park satirises freemium mobile games – today's Open Thread

    Have your say on cartoon skewering of free-to-play, Twitter harassment, WireLurker, PewDiePie comments and more. By Stuart Dredge
  • How secure are apps like Snapchat, iMessage, Viber and WhatsApp? The EFF is trying to find out.

    Technology blog
    How secure is your favourite messaging app? Today's Open Thread

    Have your say on the EFF’s latest research, plus iOS malware, streaming music royalties,’s smartwatch and more. By Stuart Dredge
  • Android apps are already using Lollipop's material design guidelines.

    Technology blog
    Android Lollipop rolls out with sweet design focus – today's Open Thread

    Have your say on Google’s latest mobile software, plus changes, Apple-1 auction, Candy Crush Soda Saga and more. By Stuart Dredge
  • Samaritans Radar has been controversial since its launch last week.

    Technology blog
    Open thread: #SamaritansRadar, Amazon diversity, Facebook research

    Have your say on topical tech stories, also including Tim Cook, EU data protection and why Google does ‘too much stuff’. By Stuart Dredge
  • The new Microsoft Band isn't restricted to Windows Phone owners.

    Technology blog
    Open thread: Microsoft Health's big advantage is cross-platform support

    Have your say on latest health-tracking service, as well as Chinese copyright, running robots and crash test dummies. By Stuart Dredge
  • No more eBay for Kim Kardashian, if the BlackBerry Classic passes muster.

    Technology blog
    Open thread: can BlackBerry Classic wean Kim Kardashian off her Bold?

    New smartphone is one of today’s tech talking points, along with Oculus VR, WhatsApp, iPhones in Iran and giant robots. By Stuart Dredge
  • Snapchat could learn a lot about you from your snaps, if it so desired.

    Technology blog
    Open thread: for Snapchat's ad plans 'ephemeral does not mean anonymous'

    Have your say on messaging privacy, as well as other tech talking points: GamerGate, Google and Oculus VR. By Stuart Dredge
  • Led Zeppelin are the latest band in Spotify's 'Landmark' documentary series.

    Technology blog
    Open thread: Are streaming services like Spotify the new music journalism?

    Give your views on growing editorial heft of digital services, as well as today’s other technology talking points. By Stuart Dredge
  • Should Intel have got involved in the #GamerGate controversy?

    Technology blog
    Open thread: how should brands respond to #GamerGate complaints?

    Give your views on the latest twists to gaming controversy, as well as on today’s other technology talking points. By Stuart Dredge
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