Techno-News Blog

December 3, 2010

New York Cops Unveil Sci-Fi-Style Iris-Scanning

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 12:25 am

by Ben Muessig, AOL News

In Manhattan, police reports are becoming a little bit more like “Minority Report.” The New York City Police Department unveiled iris-scanning technology on Monday designed to prevent criminal suspects from assuming false identities. Authorities decided to start photographing suspects’ eyes after two detainees facing serious charges were able to escape custody during arraignment by using the names of suspects facing minor charges, The New York Times reports. New York City police are using iris-scanning machines to determine the identities of criminal suspects. Police say the devices help ensure that suspects don’t assume false identities, but civil rights groups worry the machines could be invasive of privacy. So now, alongside the standard mug shots and fingerprints taken after arrest, some Manhattan detainees will peer into a device that looks something like “an ophthalmologist’s eye machine,” according to The Wall Street Journal.

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