This article was published on February 15, 2008

Peek into offices at LinkedIn, Flickr & Facebook

Peek into offices at LinkedIn, Flickr & Facebook

Just found this nice collection of Web2.0 offices. There are a few nice stories in between the photos so be sure to read those too.

As you may have noticed we often use these sort of photos as illustrations for our articles here at the Next Web Blog. We find them more interesting than a logo or screenshot. We all like to take a peek into the offices and are pleased to find out that there are real people (with messy desks) behind those shiny, polished and perfect websites. A few examples:

Twitter Offices

Netvibes Offices

Facebook Offices

Digg Offices

Want to peek into other offices too? Simply search for “Google office” at Flickr and you will surely find some snapshots. A few examples: Microsoft , Apple,,, TheNextWeb office or simply go to for more.

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