Pineapple Express Oscar Clip

We had plenty of Oscar stuff last night and everyone else is feeding you Oscar results this morning, but I couldn’t help but share more of the Apatow Love. With my second favourite pothead buddies, we have the Pineapple Express inspired clip from the Oscars that introduced the Best Comedy category and I couldn’t resist sharing it with you International Friends who might have missed it.

I love the line, I got all the movies NOT nominated for an Oscar. “Man, I hate comedies.”



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14 thoughts on “Pineapple Express Oscar Clip

  1. that was fantastic. loved pinapple express. best stoner comedy ever. you know going and seeing that movie in theators surounded by like 100 absolutly blazed people was hilarious. (i wasnt) I had to see it again to catch all the jokes i missed while laughing at the druggies in the theator. they were just as funny as the movie.

  2. glad to see that my people finally get recognition at the oscars…me and my friends died laughing watching this…loved the scene with james franco in milk

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