When Panhandlers Need a Wordsmith’s Touch

Jimmy Roberts and Gay TaleseBrennan Cavanaugh Jimmy Roberts, who collects money for the homeless, and the writer Gay Talese, whose idea for a new sign — including the words “Obama’s Stimulus Plan” — encourages passers-by to give.

As I strolled past Bernard L. Madoff’s apartment house in the East 60s the other day on my way to cash a check at my neighborhood bank on Madison Avenue and 63rd Street, I was greeted by a middle-aged panhandler who sat on the sidewalk leaning against the bank’s brick wall waving a plastic cup in my direction.

After handing him a few dollars, I asked, “How’s the economy affecting you?’’

“No different,’’ he said. “It’s always lousy.’’

I entered the bank to complete the transaction, and when I came out he was gone. But as I headed downtown past Barney’s I met another panhandler who held up a sign that read: “Homeless. Please Help.’’

I dropped a dollar into his container, but at the same time thought that the sign might benefit from updating — it needed a touch of stimulus, that word that dominates the headlines. “I assume you’ve been reading and hearing about the financial crisis, yes?’’ He nodded. He was younger than the other fellow, and appeared to give me his full attention. “Maybe if you’d change the words on your sign you’d get more attention in the street, and people will donate more money…’’

I stopped talking and reached into my pocket for one of the strips of laundry board on which I make notes when I’m interviewing people. On one strip of laundry board I wrote: “Please Support Pres. Obama’s Stimulus Plan, and begin right here … at the bottom … Thank you.’’ I handed it to him, and he said he’d copy the words on his sign and have it on display the following day.

Later that afternoon I returned home and printed those words in large type on my computer. After printing out two dozen copies, I taped each page onto separate pieces of laundry board (14 by 8 inches) that the dry cleaner sends home with my shirts.

The next day, on Sunday, and during the Monday holiday as well, I handed out these boarded messages at random to people who approached me for money, explaining why I thought their economy would be stimulated by my street signs. I further pointed out that the big bankers and industrial leaders the government was bailing out had lobbyists and public relations companies doing their bidding; but these wandering men who were seeking handouts in the street had to tap into the topicality of their plight, had to link themselves into the headlines and the top priority of President Obama. Stimulus, stimulus!!

I took down the names and phone numbers of many of my street clients. All said they would display the signs I made for them, and on Monday night I telephoned a few to ask if the message had yet had any effect.

Most said it was too early to tell. But all were hopeful. Jimmy Roberts, who had stationed himself on Fifth Avenue near 58th Street, said on Monday, “It’s a powerful pitch.’’

Another man named Byron Breeze, who sat in a wheelchair on Madison and 60th with the sign held in his lap, said that a number of pedestrians read the sign and paused to discuss it with him. And, more important, he added: “I think I made 10 or 20 dollars more yesterday than before. So maybe the sign is already working.’’

Gay Talese, the author of nonfiction books and numerous magazine articles, was a reporter for The New York Times from 1956 to 1965.

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Mr. Talese,

You have done a fantastic thing. Does the panhandler have a cold, by the way? Can we expect an in-depth treatise on the misfortunes of panhandlers in New York during this Year of The Stimulus?

I was on a subway last night and a man wearing a green flak jacket and an I Heart New York pin came on the subway, shuffling his feet and looking up at the captive audience with a wincing stare.

“I am sorry for having to stop by your compartment in order to solicit you for funds,” he said. “Nobody has to give, it is not required of anyone. But if you give me a little bit of money, I can buy a little bit of food.”

Eloquent as he was, he could have used your wordsmith prowess.

There are soup kitchens all over New York City.
There’s no need for anyone to be begging on the subway cars.

Panhandling is not a viable, sustainable way to survive, and shouldn’t be encouraged. People who live on the streets need help. They often have drug and alcohol addictions. Even if they don’t, they should be in shelters, not begging people for change to buy food and sleeping by steam traps and in trains.

True compassion is calling 311 and alerting the Department of Homeless Services that someone needs a place to stay. Not giving them a dollar so they can keep living a fairly miserable, dysfunctional existence. Or encouraging it.

Sorry to feel I need to say, that panhandling is the way to maintain a life nor sustain it. There are many avenues out there, especially in a large city, whereby there is a measure of help. It is up to the individual how he or she accepts, expands and uses that help.

Throughout every adult life there have been moments/times of despair. You keep going no matter what. Sometimes the ‘kindest thing is to be unkind’. Give the homeless folks the Services they need, not monetary handouts.

correction – panhandling is not the way to maintain life nor sustain it.

The shelters are often the places where these homeless people get mugged or worse. Unless a concerted effort is made to make the shelters safer, it would probably be safer for them to panhandle out in the cold.

Mr. Talese, you are spiffy as always, and that hat is great.


Perhaps instead of sending out all those shirts to be laundered, Mr. Talese could simply donate that money to the homeless and start washing and ironing his own shirts.

Sure, it would mean fewer sheets of “laundry cardboard,” but we should all sacrifice.

Rather than wasting money by sending shirts to the dry cleaner (use a home washing machine) or giving it to a panhandler who will spend it on booze, drugs, or junk food, give it to a charity. Perhaps a homeless shelter, that will use it to provide nutritious meals.

If the are solicting funds for food, how do they pay their telephone bills I wonder?

And what is homeless services going to do – send out a posse for every “alert” call about a vagrant that comes in? They do good work, but stopping in front of every homeless person to call 311 and “report” him/her is not exactly the epitome of compassion. Buy or give someone some food – so your money doesn’t go to their liver or their lungs.

“I took down the names and phone numbers of many of my street clients.”

They have a phone!! Guess they’re not that poor if they have a phone.

Maybe they need to go to India or Africa and learn what it means to be poor.

i wish you were still writing for the times mr. talese. you are so good at what you do. it would be nice to read you everyday.

Gay Talese is helping these homeless people keep a voice in the system. God bless him for it.

@Tacony: I don’t think that most homeless individuals willingly enter a world of panhandling as “a viable, sustainable way to survive”. Have you been to the shelters, recently? Would you want to stay there? You yourself said they have problems with drugs and alcohol. They probably also have psychological disorders, to boot.

And so what? We call 311. We alert Homeless Services.. then what? They end up back on the streets. Mostly in the same places they were, before.

True compassion would be not treating them like garbage and handing them off to a government organization.

Love it! This is an idea I have been thinking about a lot recently. I’m a direct marketing copywriter and have for many years longed to approach “panhandlers” on the street with some copywriting advice and techniques.

For example – ideally one would want to brainstorm and then scientifically split-run test many different copy approaches and vary many elements..

size / legibility of text.
type of “board” ,
handwritten Vs typed – (I suspect typed text is a major attenuator – you have access to a computer? are you worse off than the guy with the scruffy sign?)
smiling Vs glum.
Silent Vs “Thank You”
Male Vs Female,
Dress and demeanor

and – importantly – Location and time of day as some approaches will work better on the subway in the morning,others al fresco in the afternoon etc),

…Then you’d want to analyse how these different approaches fared (i.e how much money generated) – then re-test

Mr Talese – if you wish to continue your excellent experiement and would like to approach it in a rigorous manner in order to really make the optimal difference then please let me know (NY Times has my email)

Great article!

Tacony Palmyra (your pseudonym, a bridge, doesn’t exactly seem apt),
The reality is that there are poor, homeless people on our streets who need food and compassion. I think most people are against panhandling because it’s an unnerving, guilty reminder of how many people barely subsist in our wealthy society. Whether you believe in Jesus or not, do you think he told the equivalent of street people to stop bothering him? That society’s downtrodden should neither be seen nor heard? I applaud Mr. Talese for taking the time to care, and giving a dollar or two to those who are hurting enough to ask for it. Expect to see more of them in these dire economic times.

Did Gay also give money, or just editorial help?

Yes, #3 (whoever you really are, since your user name here is A BRIDGE over the Delaware river), just you keep calling the ever-so-helpful 311. And come join the rest of us when you come out of your own shelter… your shelter MADE ENTIRELY OF DENIAL AND SELFISHNESS.

I’m looking to have this be outrageous: Let’s make panhanlding a more viable way to live. Let’s make mortgage-brokering a less viable way to live. People who live by mortgage-brokering often have drug and alcohol addictions. They should be in shelters. True compassion would be to strip them of all their assets, sell them off and use the money to provide low-income housing and make it so that the mortgage brokers are sleeping on subway grates. Don’t give them a dollar as they will only persist in making our lives lives miserable and disfunctional.

I don’t want to get into a debate about panhandling… but if the last person quoted in the article, Byron Breeze, said he made $10-20 extra in one day, then just how much money total is he making every day? It must be a pretty decent amount if he’s not even sure how much of a difference the sign made. If he’s working just 5 days a week * 52 weeks a year * $75 a day, he’s bringing home close to $20K a year, without taxes. That seems pretty significant, just a thought…

Mr. Talese is reaching out with his words, and that is giving his best.
Adrian Panaro

Too often, panhandling is a very viable way to survive. What level of income is necessary to provide food and a space at an SRO or other transient lodging?

The secret, in these times, is to determine what group of pedestrians is most likely to give generously. Mr. Roberts’ group was at several locations on Fifth Avenue last time I was through, and I can hardly think that someone who just shopped (or even lunched) at Bergdorf Goodman could not feel compelled to help others when solicited in such a polite manner.

With everyone else trying to find an angle to link up with the President’s stimulus plan – why not the panhandlers too?

Congrats Gay Talese for contributing your talents to help these folk.

Oh, and I’ve always wondered why some people like #2 here react so negatively toward panhandlers. Perhaps it pricks their conscience a little to much when the otherwise “invisible” poor choose not to be so “invisible”?