Tiny Cartridge 3DS

I know most diehard Simpsons fans stopped watching the show many seasons ago, their love for the series having died in a presumably hard manner, but if you caught last night’s new episode – the first aired in high definition – you would’ve been treated to a new opening sequence.

One of the coolest things added to the revamped intro, aside from the box of Mr. Sparkle dishwasher detergent and Plopper (a.k.a. Spider-Pig, Harry Plopper), is Terri and Sherri now shown playing portable game consoles:


Is it a Game Boy Micro? A Neo Geo Pocket Color? A Gamestation GS Lite? And what game could they be playing? I posed the question to JC, and he commented, “You can tell they’re not playing a Simpsons game, because they seem to be enjoying themselves OH BURN.”

The full episode is up at Hulu (for U.S. viewers)!

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