A quick guide to Web 2.0

3 02 2009

Some people have been asking where can I find out more about web 2.0? Here’s a quick guide:

1. Tim O’Reilly says that “users add value” and web 2.0 is the “power of connecting people in new ways”, leading to the short-hand definition: “the design of systems that get better the more people use them.” Listen to the full NPR Science Friday interview. Good examples include twitter, facebook and flickr

2. Watch Michael Wesch’s short video: The Machine is Us/ing Us

3. You’re ready to read Tim O’Reilly’s Web 2.0 principles.

4. Learn about the social graph

5. Watch Clay Shirky’s keynote at PICNIC’08 on how “group action just became easier”

6. Some issues raised from Web 2.0 include “data should be yours to manage and do with as you please.”

7. Time to think about the future of social networks as envisioned by Charlene Li

See also: Social networks will be like air.

8. And onto a post-Web 2.0 world, (part 1, part 2) full circle to Tim O’Reilly.



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