Note that this page includes jQuery 1.2.6 in case you want to test execution of a requires-newer-than-1.2.6 bookmarklet. If you want to do version testing, click here for a good starting point.

This bookmarklet, requiring jQuery 1.2.6:

(drag this to your bookmarks bar or right-click and add to bookmarks)

Was generated from this code:

jQuery.fn.comments=function(a){var a=(a||false);var b=$([]);this.each(function(f,g){var e=g.firstChild;var d=$(this).attr("id");while(e){if(e.nodeType===8){b=b.add("<span>"+e.nodeValue+"</span>");var c='<div class="jq-html-comment">'+e.nodeValue+"</div>";$(this).after(c)}else{if(a&&(e.nodeType===1)){b=b.add($(e).comments(true))}}e=e.nextSibling}});return(b)};$("body").comments(true);

Create another bookmarklet:

(you may want to minify your code first)