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BREAKING: Reid Abandons Massive Omnibus Spending Bill

Victory: The omnibus bill is dead.

Moments ago, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid announced that following a mass exodus of Republican support, he does not have the votes to pass the dreadful, Obamacare-funding, earmark-riddled
$1.2 Trillion omnibus bill.  He will not file cloture on it.  Reid said he and Republican Leader Mitch McConnell will enter talks on passing a simple, temporary continuing resolution in its place.  Bottom line: Democrats lost this fight, and a united Republican front secured victory.

Democrats will, however, file cloture on the DREAM Act and DADT repeal, with votes expected Saturday.  DREAM is likely to be a non-starter.  As we reported earlier, Sen. Joe Lieberman believes he has the votes to overcome a filibuster and repeal Don't Ask, Don't Tell.  That task was certainly made easier by Democrats' decision to scrap the omnibus.  All eyes now turn to the House Democrats and the fate of their series of delicate votes on the tax deal.  Stay tuned...

UPDATE: Click through to RCP to watch John McCain and Mark Kirk having a good chuckle on the Senate floor at Dingy Harry's expense.  Aw.

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