Grassy Narrows blockade celebrates 8th anniversary

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Grassy Narrows Asubpeeschoseewagong Anishinabek

Dec 2, 2010, 3:21:19 PM12/2/10
Grassy Narrows Blockade 8th Anniversary December 2, 2010
by Judy Da Silva
on Thursday, December 2, 2010 at 12:22am

December 2, 2002 was the day the community of grassy narrows people set up a human blockade against logging trucks.

Many people have come through here-advocates, helpers, warriors, children, women, men  elders of all nations; without them, the word would not have> gone out to peoples out there!!!  so we thank all those people
that have helped us in so many many ways.

I wanted to say to people we are still  fighting against logging and resource extraction on our natural territory  and we will be lighting a sacred fire and giving our humble offerings to the land on december 2, 2010.

So today, we say to everyone  we the blockaders continue with our opposition to the logging industry and against weyerhauser co.  We just wanted to put that out straight to our supporters out there.  We the blockaders are still
against any sort of logging activities or resource extraction and we will continue our campaigns against weyerhauser and how the logging industry destroys the land and the Anishinabe way of life and this we cannot allow.

We will sing and dance and fight and die as long as the rivers flow, as long as the sweetgrass grows, as long as the sun shall shine, treaties are forever, keep the circle strong!!!

Please light a sacred fire, light a candle, smudge, offer tobacco, sing a song, drum, make a sweatlodge, offer prayers in any way for all the fights that are in front of us to continue strong and for our children and youth not to forget.

Dedicated to the memory of; Dave Brophy, Catherine Mae Keesick, Marcel Angeconeb, Gary Raven, Colleen McCrory

Dedicated to KI People, Ardoch, Barriere Lake, Haudenosaunee, Migmaw, Shuswap-please excuse my misspelling.

Power to our peoples!!!

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