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What would you say if I offered to sell you a slightly used 2005 Ford Expedition for only $5,000.00?


If you were a normal person you would be a bit suspicious. But, after being assured that it really was only five grand and it only had 10,000 miles on the odometer you would naturally grab the deal before someone else beat you to it. Imagine you took your new vehicle home and after just a few days it broke down on you. You would probably call me and ask if there was anything I failed to mention to you about your new purchase. You would probably be furious if I said,

"Technically the odometer reads 10,000 miles, but it actually has a little over 285,000 miles on it.  You see, I took the odometer apart and rolled it back to 10,000 to make it a better sell.  However, it is in excellent condition.  It's only been in 5 major accidents in the past year but the body work done on it has concealed any evidence of damage.  4 of the 5 accidents happened when some sort of electrical short caused the engine to catch on fire and flood the cabin with thick acrid smoke.  However, I'm pretty sure they have figured out the source of the electrical problems and it shouldn't happen again (knock on wood).  Anyways, it's a steal at $5,000.  Heck, it's a steal any way you look at it since it was actually stolen in New Mexico early last year but it now has a clean bill of sale and VIN that can't possibly be traced back to it's original (and rightful) owner.  For some reason I was having a heck of a time selling it until I rolled the odometer back and got the nasty odor of smoke out of the interior.  I'm sure glad you came along, I was about to part it out and sell it for scrap."

Likewise, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (aka the Mormon Church) also has a rather shocking history that has been "tampered with" and significantly altered over the past 170+ years that, when discovered, led me and my family to leave it after being faithful believers our entire lives.  If you are LDS (or investigating the LDS Church) and want to know what would cause a very active, temple married couple (he a return missionary, she the daughter of a Bishop) to remove themselves and their children from the only church they have ever known, then read on.  

We used to be like most Mormons.  Whenever we heard anything negative about the church we knew it was a lie because we knew the church was true.  However, we discovered we only "knew" what the church wanted us to know.  You might be surprised as you go through this site to discover that there are many fully documented facts about the history of the LDS Church that a vast majority of Latter-Day Saints have never even heard of.  If you continue, like us you will no doubt come to the conclusion that, simply put, Joseph lied
