
30 Blogs that Help Parents Develop and Maintain a Family Routine

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It’s no secret that kids thrive when they live in a relatively structured environment with a reliable routine. It also comes as no surprise that managing to establish said routines can feel like an almost insurmountable task, as today’s kids have schedules almost as packed as those of their parents. These 30 blogs offer practical, real-life advice for establishing routines in your household, as well as help for maintaining them as time goes by.

Setting a Sleep Schedule

Whether you’re dealing with newborns, teenagers or your own adult body, setting a schedule that allows everyone to get enough sleep is imperative. When kids fight bedtime with every ounce of their being and there doesn’t seem to be enough time in the day for you to get everything done as it is, establishing solid sleep routines can be difficult. These five blogs are dedicated to setting sleep routines for every member of your family, from the smallest to the largest.

Starting a Chore Routine

When kids are responsible for making sure that specific household tasks are completed on schedule, they’re actively learning about responsibilities and deadlines in a manner that will follow them into adulthood. For you, setting a dedicated schedule for when and how to best complete your own household chores can help you free up a bit of much-needed spare time in your jam-packed day. That’s where these five blogs come in handy, offering chore routine advice across the board for every member of the family.

Managing Schoolwork

Between the heavy loads of homework that many schools give to even relatively young children to the sheer number of hours that classes and extracurricular activities demand, managing a school schedule and setting a routine for the completion of school-related tasks can be one of the most important things you focus on. From navigating back-to-school confusion to making sure that everything gets done the right way and on time, these five bloggers are here to offer their advice.

Adhering to New Routines

In order for your new routine to be effective, you’ll have to make sure that your family sticks to it. Adjusting to the demands and structure of a new schedule, however, can require a bit of patience and dedication. These five blogs are centered on the idea of adhering to new habits and not sacrificing your schedule out of frustration, and are valuable sources of encouragement.

Scheduled Family Meals

The benefits of sharing meals together as a family are numerous and well-publicized, and have been touted as a method of curbing self-harming tendencies, reducing the risk of teenage substance abuse, and boosting academic performance and resistance to peer pressure. Finding a way to work sit-down dinners into your family’s jam-packed schedule, however, can present quite a problem. These five blogs help you figure out the best ways to work family meals into your collective schedule.

Adapting Your Family Routine to Suit Lifestyle Changes

Sticking to your routine can help kids thrive, feeling more secure and understanding more about what to expect from their daily lives. It’s still important, however, for parents to understand the necessity of allowing flexibility. Rigid schedules that never allow children to experience freedom or make spontaneous choices can actually do more stifling harm than good. That’s where these five bloggers weigh in, explaining the importance of flexibility in your family routine.

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