Daft Punk Join Phoenix at Madison Square Garden

Watch the French bands perform "Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger", "Around the World", and "1901" together during the robots' surprise appearance
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Last night, at the close of their headlining set at Madison Square Garden, Phoenix were joined onstage by French countrymen Daft Punk. The robot duo appeared suddenly as Phoenix performed "If I Ever Feel Better" during their encore and launched into "Harder Better Faster Stronger". Phoenix themselves joined in on the song about halfway through, as it morphed into "Around the World". Then everybody played an extended version of "1901" together. OMFG. Watch video below:

"If I Ever Feel Better"/"Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger"/"Around the World":

"1901" (Part 1):

"1901" (Part 2):