
Think Little CSA Week 33: Miles to Go…

By Jackson, Jordan & Avery Rolett; thinklittlecsa@gmail.com
Tuesday, May 26th, 2015 10:00 AM CST

Farming over the past week has meant a lot of time in the car. From running to Elkton for a trailer-load of tomato stakes and irrigation supplies, an additional CFM Night Market, delivering gleaned greens to HOTEL INC, and a date night at HOME, we’ve really added up the miles. It wasn’t until halfway home from Deerfield Supplies (we love that place) that I realized we were actually going to stake and weave the heirloom tomatoes. Was it really time? The blooms on the squash and zucchini are, wait… Those ARE little squash and zucchini!

In the next share, you’ll be getting: romaine, radicchio, kale, a small French cabbage, cauliflower, turnips, and scallions. Jordan will have some radicchio recipes coming soon, it’s a bit of a curve-ball. Also, we highly recommend grilling or baking cabbage steaks. Google it, you won’t be sorry. Next week, squash and zucchini? Really? I still can’t believe it…

Also, for those of you who would like to add a standing order of an additional dozen of eggs or two (or half) every week for $3/dozen, please let us know ASAP if you haven’t already. You’ll get them every Tuesday with your share. In case you’re curious, the chickens are free-ranged on pasture and get a grain and cracked corn ration for supplement in the evenings.

Take Care,
Jackson, Jordan, & Avery

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