God’s Love: Overcoming Fear and Changing Lives

August 10, 2010

When people go through Keynote’s Story Curriculum and learn to identify the character and attributes of God in their life experience, effective communicators are born and lives are changed. Such was the case last week at The Edge, a Campus Crusade for Christ Summer Project held in Ft. Collins, Colorado. Students from around the country come for three weeks of discipleship, adventure in the mountains, lessons on how to study the Bible and lead studies, and most recently, effective communication. That is where Keynote enters the picture.

I just returned as a member of the Keynote Creative Communications Group training team that worked with the Edge students. As a communicator, and a student of communication, the thing I love about communication is the way God uses it in my life to make me more like Him. I saw the same thing in the lives of these students.

You probably know that more people are afraid of public speaking than any other thing, including death! What a great opportunity to face that fear with the truths that God’s love casts out fear and that our value is based on His love for us, not our ability to communicate, look good or do anything. When that knowledge is internalized, one can’t help but experience life change.

The same is true for these students. Here are some stories of Life Change from the Edge:

  • One student truly was terrified to speak publicly. In fact, she had never spoken in public since being humiliated by a teacher in third grade. To face a room of 40 people and tell her story of fear took the love and power of God. Upon her tearful and triumphant conclusion she received a rousing standing ovation!
  • Two other students told their stories of encountering God’s grace and power in overcoming bulimia. After telling their stories they also encountered God’s love and grace in the tears and hugs of their friends on the project.
  • “Jim” spoke about his love for his alcoholic father. Yet “Jim” blamed his Father’s addiction on himself, believing he drove his father to drink.  Feeling unloved and unworthy, “Jim” went from smoking pot in fourth grade to using cocaine, crack, and meth by the time he entered high school. Encountering the love and acceptance of Christ healed Jim of his addiction and allowed him to experience joy for the first time in years.

Really, the stories are too numerous for this article. In fact, the Campus Crusade staff members at the Edge were so enthusiastic about the growth in their students personally, spiritually and as communicators, they are committed that Keynote Training will be a mainstay of the Edge.

What a privilege to see God at work first hand. Life Change: that is what you are a part of through your partnership with us, and we thank you!

Michael Anderson
Associate Director of Development

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