Senate Unlikely to Return for Action on Border Security Bill

Asserting its “constitutional jurisdiction over revenue measures, the House passed its own version of a $600 million border security bill Tuesday that would be paid for through increased visa fees,” Congressional Quarterly reports.

The Senate had passed the legislation July 27, hours before adjourning for its summer recess. But the House bristled at the infringement on its revenue powers, and insisted on originating the bill — even though the content is identical to the Senate’s version.

The measure, passed by voice vote, will have to wait for final action by the Senate, which is unlikely to act until it returns from recess Sept. 13, according to Jim Manley, a spokesman for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev.

The money would be used “to send 1,500 new agents, two additional unmanned aerial drones and millions of dollars in communications equipment to the border with Mexico to combat the flow of illegal immigrants and drugs.”

Update: Reid is now considering a brief session to clear the bill unanimously.

(credit image – daylife/getty)

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